Sunday, March 13, 2011

Selling You Fake Weed

Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 16:30 of Lecce State Agricultural Technical Institute, the first meeting of the alumni

Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 16:30 of Lecce State Agricultural Technical Institute, the first meeting of the alumni

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I too like many others, taken from personal experience and professional, not many years I went to the Via San Pietro in Lama , Istituto Tecnico Agrario Statale "Giovanni loan of Lecce but three years ago I came back" all'Agrario Lecce "at one of those days of" orientation "for pupils and parents to encourage the choice of ' Institute where he continued his studies. In this note the consequences of that visit.


Who went to 'Agrarian Lecce?

There were the Order of Doctors of Agronomy and Doctors of Forestry of the Province of Lecce and the College for land surveyors, beautiful love to the many colleagues and then I literally jumped past it "going in the plexus, which I attended for 5 years from 1971 to 1976. That's going up the stairs and corridors that have framed are reminded of the emotions of adolescence restless and confused, a thousand doubts, questions, comments at the time they were running into me, without finding too much acceptance in a world sessantottino in rapid evolution accompanied by the "earthquake" values \u200b\u200band beliefs and by the "tsunami" of violence and wildcat strikes.

's invitation Guido Blandini

again this year for orientation colleague invited me all'Agrario Blandini Guido di Lecce, we spent a beautiful day, and on that occasion I wrote to the Council of 'Institute to apply to be housed in the School along with many former students who have spent their youth in that school and with colleagues who are in the area that they are willing to engage and make their contribution.

What is the Alumni Association dell'Agrario Lecce?

I took the initiative to establish a cultural association not for gain, in compliance with applicable laws, contributes to keeping alive the memory of the school which contributed to my education to establish a lasting connection Agricultural Technical Institute "John Presta "which is aimed at encouraging and promoting events and studies to supplement the educational and training institute.

the goals of the Agricultural Technical Institute Alumni "John Presta" Lecce

The Agricultural Technical Institute Alumni Association, "John Presta" Lecce is aimed at encouraging and encourage all activities aimed at promoting the image dell'Agrario of Lecce, to maintain and promote among the alumni relations of friendship and cooperation, to encourage and support initiatives to complement the educational and training institute, to facilitate the connection of the graduates with the workplace through the exchange of experiences and skills

; to promote and organize courses, conferences, workshops and other initiatives that might be useful to facilitate the continuous updating, and promote activities and initiatives for Students attending the Institute.

L 'Agrarian Lecce is framed in the technology sector, address "Agriculture, food processing and agro-industry"

Today, with the Reform Gelmini, the Agricultural Technical Institute is classified in the technology sector, address "Agriculture, food processing and agro-industry." It is worth mentioning the experience of the Institute of San Michele Adige (Trento), now Mach Foundation. Here, the Province has taken the decision to abolish the career path, keeping only the technical, extending the joint.

In practice, what we all hoped at the national level, aiming at the creation of centers of education only land that can give practical realization of the famous Campus project. A

S. Michele could do so because they have full autonomy in this sense but, more importantly, the economic means to do so.

Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 16:30 of Lecce State Agricultural Technical Institute, the first meeting of the alumni

You're invited! I tell you! Just that you're reading my words. Spread the word, tell everyone that we meet in Lecce to stay together again, as before, to continue to do the "good of the territory" because our institute is located in Lecce, Salento, is a symbiotic relationship that has lasted for centuries and that we we wish to perpetuate. I spoke with Louis Paladini brought me in the classroom that the school has provided for our meetings. Louis is one of us! Yesterday when we talked we said that we were starting in two, and certainly we would find many friends of adventure! You're one of these fellows, I know! You have much to do it? The family, work, profession, I understand you know? But you want to put all this in a meeting with your friends every now and adolescence? Relive the trepidations for bad grades? The hopes for the future life? You can not deprive you of that! Meet me at school where we had our education is what you can read in the Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce, "Education: That quality which explains the wise and foolish to conceal the reasons for their inability to understand." I Paladini Louis and I look forward to Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 16:30 of Lecce State Agricultural Technical Institute for the first meeting of the alumni.

Anthony Bruno, Agronomist (expert in urban and regional diagnostic entitled International University Master's Degree in Diagnostic IMD Urban and Regional Urban and Territorial Diagnostics).


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