Saturday, March 12, 2011

Brazilian Waxing In Manteca

A Tavistock del Salento Lecce 's agromarketing for farms and more generally for the owners of the rural landscape. Agri-Resources by the Department

A Tavistock del Salento Lecce 's agromarketing for farms and more generally for the owners of the rural landscape.


Today March 12, 2011 at the Palace of the marquis of Tavistock (Lecce) at 17:00, there was the public discussion on "Innovation for Agriculture of Salento. A moment of encounter and engagement between the primary stakeholders to determine possible strategies to react to changes taking place. The interview was strongly supported by the law firm Lex Alimentaria with the scientific direction of Prof. Luigi De Bellis, under the Patronage of the Presidency of the Council of the Puglia Region, the City of Tavistock - Department of Agriculture and Promotion Enogastronomica of Reclamation Consortium Ugento them Fogg and the Order of Doctors of Agronomy and Forestry, Lecce. In this paper a summary of the work.


I saluti del Sindaco della Citta di Taviano Salvatore D'argento e dell’Assessore comunale all'Agricoltura, Marco Stefano hanno sottolineato che in un contesto di importanti cambiamenti è sembrato opportuno alla Amministrazione Comunale dare voce ad alcune di quelle realtà che dell'innovazione in agricoltura hanno fatto un'esperienza vera e coraggiosa.

Solo creazione di valore, basta le carte

Tutti i presenti vogliono l’Agricoltura del Salento leccese fatta di progettualità, innovazione, creazione di valore per le imprese agricole. Tutti quelli che sono intervenuti hanno detto basta alle troppe carte e alla burocrazia che dipende dal sistema di gestione della Politica agricola Policy (CAP), which in our country has been designed to 'make cards,' just that.

The project

The discussion became hot when I proposed to Dr. Liselle From the Port of PR.ALI.NA Ltd Melpignano (Lecce) / jointly to Professor Luigi De Bellis of the University of Salento, Enzo Manni cooperative ACLI Racale (Lecce) Salento Lecce Agribusiness Project for the revival of "Made in Italy by focusing on technological innovation and generational change. A very short chain

cm to zero, because the Consortium of Reclamation "Ugento Fogg and Li" will deal with infrastructure consortium of 220 thousand companies in the area where land fragmentation is a very strong 93% of the companies it presents an area of \u200b\u200bless than 2 hectares of irrigated land in the predominantly olive trees, vegetables, vineyards. The cooperative ACLI Racale (Lecce) should be addressed to better manage the processing, sorting, grading and packaging of horticultural products in a continuous and on scraps and the University of Salento should provide technological innovation.

Farm "Tosca" Cursano Marcello - Santa Cesarea Terme, the prospect of oil sold at 10 Euro per kilo

Marcello Cursano produced milk and vegetables, had in managing the company from his father and if he would not have expected that it would decide to produce extra virgin olive oil. Pick olives in September and continues to do so until October. Then he created AGRODOLCESALENTO that the store is located in the heart of Santa Cesarea Terme, Lecce, Salento is not who is good to know that it is a splendid location overlooking the Adriatic Sea and part of the beautiful land of Salento. In

store "AGRODOLCESALENTO" there are fare and the first Salentoper extra virgin olive oil, flagship setting, and then the wines of Salento Lecce which Primitivo, Malvasia, Negroamaro, the pickles and the pickles, the friselle, the tarallini friselline and all cooked in a wood oven, the biscuits, jams prepared with fruits of the company, "Toscano", liqueurs and distilled spirits products with the herbs (bay, myrtle, olive, etc..) pulses, and an assortment of local crafts.

Pomegranate Angelo Durante - During Farm, Leven, LE

In a word, € 30 thousand per hectare from which to subtract costs of € 5 thousand! € 25 thousand clean the cultivation of pomegranate Angelo Durante - During Farm, Leven, LE .

The plant once transplanted increases production to reach its maximum at the 5th year and continues to live and produce 300 tons per hectare each year for 35 years! Needless

can continue to go see all of the Company during the website.

A Taviano the future of Salento Lecce

Today in Tavistock (Lecce) has worked for the future of Salento Lecce but also for Europe's future as a body which protects and preserves not only the territory but also security the acquisition of food and food quality for European citizens.

Salento Lecce many things have changed. Our campaigns have progressed, it was triggered a positive mechanism to modernize our farms, but still, we have not understood the mechanism, which is to do a project for Salento, Lecce, do a system design. This was underlined by Prof. Luigi De Bellis University of Salento also said that unfortunately we have let things go towards self-determination of individual companies, no projects, no one idea, in two words: NO FUTURE!

The Tavistock interview of March 12, 2011 was a genuine search for a model of sustainable development

the center of agricultural development and environmental protection of Salento Lecce are the Reclamation Consortium "Ugento e Li Foggi” i proprietari del paesaggio rurale, l’Università del Salento e le industrie di trasformazione. Innovazione e competitività, che passano dal ruolo di queste realtà, possono portare ad un rilancio dell’agricoltura del Salento leccese in un momento di forte crisi economica. Il colloquio di Taviano del 12 marzo 2011 è stato una vera e propria ricerca di un modello di sviluppo sostenibile in grado di coniugare agricoltura, ricerca e tutela ambientale e per impostare un vero e proprio agromarketing per le aziende agricole del Salento leccese e più in generale per tutti i proprietari del paesaggio rurale.

di Antonio Bruno, Dottore Agronomo (Esperto in diagnostica urbana e territoriale titolo IMD International University Master's Degree in Urban and Regional Diagnostics Urban and Territorial Diagnostics).


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