Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Types Of Ontario Liquor Licence

The monumental trees:
a treasure to know and protect

Friday, February 11, 2011 at 15 at the Office of the Public Relations of the State Forestry Department in Rome Via Antonio Salandra 44 at the inauguration of the exhibition of photographic Tiziano Fratus , " The Flemish ports " held the Round Table:" The monumental trees: a heritage to understand and protect " to be attended by: Valid Capodarca , the largest and expert finder Italian veteran trees, author of numerous publications, the latest of which is just out " Monumental trees of Lazio ; Tiziano Fratus , author of Homo radix . Notes for a seeker of trees ; Antimo Palumbo , historic trees; Aleandro Tinelli , forestry engineer Technical and Scientific Commission of the Presidential Estate of Castelporziano and co-author - along with E. Jordan, B. Capitoni, A. Eberle, L. Maffei, A. Musicians, F. Recanatesi, GT Scarascia Mugnozza - the book just published by the National Academy of Sciences of the Forty called "The monumental trees of the Estate of Castelporziano. Afterwards there will be The official opening photo "The Flemish ports" (twenty miniatures devoted to trees in Italy) you can see the times of URP until February 25, 2011.
Participation in the meeting is free.
For more information
of the State Forestry


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