Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Immunization Record In Ontario

A contest
pe r monumental trees Europe.

The competition organized by "Nadace Partnerstvì - Foundation Czech Environmental Partnership aims to enhance the veteran trees in Europe and in particular those of Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania. Its title is "European of the Year Tree" but does not include trees of other European nations, much more important for its beauty, size and age of the five selected, let alone the Italians. There still seems a good initiative to raise awareness of the European Community to respect and protection of monumental trees. To vote from a selection of five trees, each in his own country he was elected national tree 2010 (when this will happen in Italy?), And proclaim the 'Tree European of the Year " no time to March 6, 2011 . The awards invece si svolgerà a Bruxelles nel corso della “Settimana Verde” della IUCN -Unione Internazionale per la Conservazione della Natura. Di seguito postiamo gli alberi in concorso e il link per andare a votare (vi verrà richiesta una conferma via mail).

Platanus x acerifolia
Si trova a Letenye (Zala) - età stimata 500 anni

Platanus orientalis
Si trova a Garmen (Blagoevgrad) - età stimata 600 anni.
Quercus robur
It is Dubinne (Presov) - estimated age of 800 years

czech Republic
Quercus robur
It is Hrom (Olomouc) - 433 years old.

Tilia cordata
It is Leliceni (Harghita) - estimated age of 500 years.

P er vote click on the logo.


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