Monday, February 7, 2011

Multi Person Conference On Skype

Omaggio a Giovanni Bollea
a great friend of the trees.
Giovanni Bollea
Cigliano, December 5, 1913 - Rome, February 6, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
from 10am onwards funeral
in Protomoteca Hall del Campidoglio in Rome
pay tribute to Giovanni Bollea, the most famous Italian child psychiatrist and author of over three hundred publications, monographs, abstracts, and founder of Al.Vi. Ii trees to live, who died Sunday, Feb. 6, 2011 in Rome to 97 years with his words from an interview with the magazine "Eco" in January 2001:
"I was at the time supporter of the law which obliges Rutelli Italian municipalities to plant a tree for every child born. We, as an association Al.Vi. - Trees for Life, we have launched a campaign given to parents or other relatives to donate ten trees for every newborn, based on two irrefutable reality: First, we live in air and water, and consume 280 / 340 liters of oxygen per day, while ten trees produce on average the same amount of oxygen, and only trees produce oxygen. Second, we produce carbon dioxide discharges and waste through the various instruments superfluous and necessary for modern life (cars, electricity, airplanes, factories, etc.), not counting our breathing, while only volumes plants and oceans absorb carbon dioxide. We strongly touted the creation of parks or forests where planting ten trees for every live birth. A campaign which all municipalities should take possession: ten trees for every child born as a mandatory fee. Some gioellino, a few less candy to give to the newborn, in addition to life, even his baggage of oxygen ".


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