Monday, February 28, 2011

Calgary Bankruptcy Auctions

L'arte del tatuaggio

Tiffany Granath Hardcorde

L'irresistibile danza del nonno turco

Grandpa dance. The nephew the snub. Results? A successful network. This beautiful ladies turkish is depopulated on the main video sharing sites with this video which shows unexpected and exhilarating qualities of a dancer. Too bad for the absent-minded puppets. But consulates, Grandpa! The small increase. Meanwhile, the big applaud you. Woof!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Can A Urine Culture For A Uti Show Std?

Serit Arbores,
quae alter saeclo PROSINT.

"Plant trees, which will benefit in another time." it teaches us this famous Latin motto, taken from chapter ventiquattresimo del "Cato Maior de senectute" ( In difesa della vecchiaia) , un'opera filosofica scritta nel 44 a.C. da Marco Tullio Cicerone poco prima della sua morte, e dedicata all'amico Attico. Il testo completo dice " potrei menzionare i contadini romani della Sabina, miei vicini e amici, senza i quali non si eseguono mai lavori agricoli di una certa importanza, non si semina, non si raccolgono i frutti e non si ripongono. Ma, nel loro caso, c’è meno da stupirsi: nessuno, infatti, è così vecchio da non pensare di poter vivere almeno un altro anno; eppure si danno un gran da fare anche in work - are well aware - do not have any use for them: plant trees that will benefit in another time - and will bear fruit to the next generation - as says our Sinefebi in Statius. " This ancient motto of wisdom Latin America leads us into a concise and incisive nice video, created for American dell'Arbor day and about the importance of planting trees in the world (but we will give more news soon sull'Arbor celebrate that day in Rome). Enjoy.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Party Supplies And Garbage Truck

Elect the tree of the year 2011
Booyah! Yes, but it is in France.

2011 has been proclaimed by ' United Nations "International Year of Forests" in response to the persistent and devastating problem of deforestation, for this reason: " from forests depends on the health and life of the planet and the wood is still the last system untouched and full of life, where you can meet the deep embrace of nature." Despite the various initiatives that are taking place in Italy in 'arc of the next month, dedicated to this important event in which the trees are the protagonists (And of which we will place on this blog), in our country still are not talking about a contest to elect our national tree. We are proposing for some time on these pages. We hope that, as has already happened in other parts of the world, sooner or later someone at the institutional level, adds to incorporate our message. In the meantime, take lessons from France, which has launched a national competition really well done, with attractive graphics and careful organization to elect their own tree this year. To enter the competition website "Elisez l'arbre de l'année 2011" organized by the magazine Terre Sauvage and from ' ONF, Office National des Forêts click on the picture below.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Secondhands Aluminuim Boat

Actress and trees 3
Lucia Bosé

The third installment of our section Actress and trees is dedicated this time in a beautiful and famous Italian actress Lucia Bosé . Born in Milan on January 28, 1931, (his real name is Lucia Borlone) was elected Miss Italy in 1947 and in 1954 she married the English bullfighter Luis Miguel Dominguin. Recitation in over fifty films and television Italian and foreign, and is the mother of singer Miguel Bose. This time we do not see in a photo but a video from the movie " No peace among the olive trees" in 1950 and directed by Giuseppe De Santis , while performs in a ratchet to the next Olea europaea tortuous and carved from the trunk. The film was shot in the countryside "ciociare" of funds in those years still small town in Latin America and the birthplace of the director. It tells the story of Francesco Dominici (Raf Vallone) , A pastor just returned from the front, looking for work in vain. In retaliation to being robbed by a local squire, Agostino Bonfiglio ( Folco Lulli), got rich during the war with little speculation clean, steals helped by Lucia (Lucia Bosé ) and his sister Mary Grace (Maria Grazia France ) some sheep. Arrested and sentenced to four years unable to escape. Augustine then given to the escape, taking with her the sister of Francis, Maria Grazia, which has forced him to become his mistress. " The end is dramatic but not tell you the ending. As friends of the trees we are instead of asking what happened to those beautiful trees? will ancora vivi, dopo aver vissuto il loro momento di inconsapevole popolarità? Se lo sapete (magari qualcuno sa dove è stato girato il film) mandateci una mail a e pubblicheremo la notizia sul blog. Adesso silenzio, c'è la splendida Lucia Bosè che danza.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Examples Congratulatory Messages For New Baby


Un libro di Giacomo Saragosa

Mercoledì 23 Febbraio 2011
ore 11
presso l'URP (Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico)
del Corpo Forestale dello Stato.
Giacomo Saragosa , nato a Cassino nel 1945, ingegnere e dirigente del Corpo Forestale dello Stato ( Comandante regionale per il Lazio, ed ex Direttore divisione Antincendio della protezione civile del Corpo Forestale dello Stato, ora da poco tempo in pensione) è stato da sempre un appassionato e attento ricercatore degli alberi e del bosco. Nel 1999 ha pubblicato per la Casa Editrice Scuderi di Avellino il libro "Alberi: etimologia, storia, miti e leggende." (Formato 16 x 24) 163 pagine 12 Euro. Un volumetto pratico e ricco di informazioni il cui scopo, secondo le parole scritte dall'autore nella prefazione : è quello di fornire un approccio diverso con gli alberi. Si è voluto tornare indietro negli anni e nei secoli per restituire quell'alone di magia e di mistero che consentiva agli uomini una simbiosi naturalistica con le piante che il mondo asettico e razionale di oggi ignora. Il libro verrà presentato dall'autore Mercoledì 23 Febbraio 2011 alle ore 11 presso l'Urp del Corpo Forestale dello Stato in via Antonio Salandra 44 a Roma.
La partecipazione meeting is free.
For more information
Office of the Public Relations
of the State Forestry

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Still Bleeding 2 Weeks After Loop

El òsculo hirsuto [Baci a bruciapelo] di Guibu - Episodio 10

Click to enlarge


"the kiss coat" copyright by Guibu

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Love Tattoo On Female Genitals

Trees guard the spring

These days it's time for the trees of spectacular blooms. After the explosion of yellow stamens of ' Acacia dealbata Link . now it's up to almond Prunus dulcis Mill. with their small white flowers and fragrant. Since the spring seems closer, we wanted to pay homage to our friends the trees with a poetic video dedicated to them made of fine words and images. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Immunization Record In Ontario

A contest
pe r monumental trees Europe.

The competition organized by "Nadace Partnerstvì - Foundation Czech Environmental Partnership aims to enhance the veteran trees in Europe and in particular those of Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania. Its title is "European of the Year Tree" but does not include trees of other European nations, much more important for its beauty, size and age of the five selected, let alone the Italians. There still seems a good initiative to raise awareness of the European Community to respect and protection of monumental trees. To vote from a selection of five trees, each in his own country he was elected national tree 2010 (when this will happen in Italy?), And proclaim the 'Tree European of the Year " no time to March 6, 2011 . The awards invece si svolgerà a Bruxelles nel corso della “Settimana Verde” della IUCN -Unione Internazionale per la Conservazione della Natura. Di seguito postiamo gli alberi in concorso e il link per andare a votare (vi verrà richiesta una conferma via mail).

Platanus x acerifolia
Si trova a Letenye (Zala) - età stimata 500 anni

Platanus orientalis
Si trova a Garmen (Blagoevgrad) - età stimata 600 anni.
Quercus robur
It is Dubinne (Presov) - estimated age of 800 years

czech Republic
Quercus robur
It is Hrom (Olomouc) - 433 years old.

Tilia cordata
It is Leliceni (Harghita) - estimated age of 500 years.

P er vote click on the logo.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Animal Crossing Why Do I Keep Falling Down

Reinventare Xander...

[Xander seen Sean gives Christian Woods]
Reinventing Alexander, is an art project that was born from the mind of Xander Beaverhousen young Sardinian painter of whom we have already spoken several times. Today Xander silent role, and becomes the subject of inspiration and, although remaining a director, for further action graphics, this time collecting. Many illustrators and photographers bear, Italians and foreigners, have been questioned so as to give a personal view of Xander, sometimes taking inspiration from existing photos, other more freely, but inevitably resorting to their own dress code.

[Xander seen by Tony Mogan]

"The idea was born from curiosity to know what others think of me," says Xander. "I think it's an important issue not only for purely narcissistic, but also for understand how they could improve some aspects of person. The invitation was sent to all the artists I know on Facebook regardless of their artistic preparation. Everyone was free to do what they wanted without any conditions. The entire project is an ironic thing, of course based on a few 'of narcissism. But it is also a kind of kick in the ass to myself, to shake me from my current and slowly return making art with greater vigor. Needless to say, must I be to re-invent Alexander, but to see that people appreciate you and are interested in you, even by means of artistic expression, is a good incentive. The results are amazing I'm really pleased are not many good jobs, but some are very sweet and colorful. "

[ Xander seen by Giacomo Favilla Serj]

A search of themselves and their own artistic way through the work of others talking about us. Look through their eyes that we dismantled and put together a second sensitivity different. An magma in which the creative artist man plunges to let deconstruct, dating and then forge a new self. An experiment by the new age flavor that does not lack interest, or creativity. Each artist is recognizable and model the features of Xander according to the peculiarities that identify the scene of the bear art. A ritual that works on the body of Xander as if the canvas on which to paint or clay to be manipulated. Theme, subject and object at the same time. Reinventing Alessandro is only a starting point, and hope to Alexander that the Dionysian charge that emerges from these works (still in production) will help to give shape to his already promising future as a painter Ursino.

[Xander seen by Rudolfo Wibisono]

[Xander seen Barabbas Sergio Milloncic]

[Xander seen by Neil Bruce]

[Xander seen from Perdido]

Friday, February 11, 2011

Se Woods Tent Trailer

Zibba: aMMami

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Free Sample Permission To Enter Letter

Birra Ursus

Ursus Beer : a name, a guarantee, but most eloquent (perhaps brilliant) advertising image. This concept is entered correctly in the ranking of the Top Beer Ads with the words " No comments are really Necessary." We quite agree. Except maybe for WOOF! , we would own.

Christmas Vacation Canadian Moose Mugs

Bear Fiction: Le lezioni del Nonno [di baril8]


Living in a small town is not easy, it becomes even more difficult if the village in question is quite far from a town center and more complex, and if the village in question is isolated from major media such as broadband, satellite TV and cell phones do not seem to be among the most Hamish. But unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view), this reality does exist in the area, the town is called Sbirraseo.
For the most part the local economy is based on agriculture and livestock, families can live their fields and products of their livestock or manufacture. Life is simple and gatherings take place, especially when we talk about the latest gossip. Everyone knows almost everyone and hardly anything goes unnoticed. Or at most it pretends not to watch it if it is uncomfortable to many.

In this village lives a boy of 22 years Marcello that never took into consideration the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing away from that place. It's hard to think of moving away if you do not know anything about what happens outside Sbirraseo. The parents were devout Catholics, they raised her son alone, they brought up according to the strongest penalties Catholics. Marcello could never ask more than their yardstick (perhaps I should speak of a centimeter) would allow him, nevertheless considered themselves lucky enough as a laborer had excellent athleticism, Marcello with his size was able to withstand the more alienating and exhausting work. On their farm without the slightest form of privacy, living in close contact often having to share the environments that are still common. Marcello sleep in the large room that serves as both a residence kitchen, while parents have their own room upstairs. Have not ever allowed to sleep in the barn or build a room for him, unfortunately is constantly under their watchful eye. For the late summer, however, things would change. His paternal grandfather demanded the help of the boy, old age and you feel as alone (widowed since Marcello has memory) can not carry on his farm, and since the parents are in his debt did not have avoided it. I am very saddened of removal of Marcellus, would thus their dominance on the boy. Among other things, the relationship with his grandfather are not entirely serene and almost never spoken although the farms were adjacent. This does not mean that the houses were close as the shared hectares of farmland is a fruit or wheat, but it does not matter, they are still young and if they can not take things forward on their own, which uses a laborer. My grandfather is old and does not want strangers in the house.

After many recommendations by Cosimo Cesira and finally comes the day of transfer, Marcello still does not realize the potential that is acquiring, by the way the domain of the father and especially from the unspoken words the mother would have benefited his way of life.
He remembers his grandfather as a gruff person (her parents must necessarily be) and rather vulgar. In the house was never even thought of a curse and Marcello although he knew, would be allowed by the exclamation never miss a damn thing. The grandfather instead just stands alone with the boy exclaims, "I hope the fuckers do not have your parents talked to me too bad" and noting the wide-eyed grandson to that phrase, breaking into a laugh and continued, "my boy See you off the bat of ass and be a bit 'looser, here we are in church and if you like to burp, fart or say what you like, there will be no one to blame. "
Marcello the dropping nods head with a resigned air. It is quiet, you feel almost embarrassed to be next to him, so accustomed to the order and self control, see his grandfather with disheveled hair and wild beard hear language so crude that it makes them uncomfortable. The grandfather does not want bad start to his relationship with his only grandson, trying to calm him, ruffling his hair and smiles a bit asking 'what is accustomed to do at home or work, what things he does best and what is perhaps feel less prepared. Achilles learns that his nephew was working hard like crazy, her parents take advantage of him in almost let him perform the most exhausting work, but he understood that the boy is still docile e volenteroso, ha voglia di imparare cose nuove e non si tira indietro nei lavori più umili e faticosi, tirando le somme ha dalla sua parte un ottimo aiutante.
Giunti alla fattoria nonno Achille gli mostra un po’ le sue cose, il bestiame gli alberi da frutta e il raccolto, Marcello si stupisce quando il nonno gli indica la sua stanza personale. Non avrebbe mai potuto pensare di avere un posto tutto suo. “Nonno, questa stanza è davvero tutta per me?” chiede incredulo Marcello, e per impressionarlo ulteriormente Achille gli risponde: “Mi dispiace che sia piccola ragazzo, ma purtroppo questo posso permettermi” scoppiando a ridere, Marcello invece abbozza un sorriso timido e trascina il suo baule con i suoi miseri assets.
"the cupboard of old things that I did not use more, but everything is clean, if you believe that something good can andarti wear it well"
Marcello thanked him and returned to unpack his trunk.
"Grandpa, but how to pursue this farm all alone?" Asked Marcello and lays out his underwear, turning to his notice a minimum of embarrassment in his grandfather's face and realizes he made an awkward question. Achilles responds that he had friends who helped him, but unfortunately are now gone from Sbirraseo. Marcello does not have the courage to investigate the matter and is left alone in his room that seem huge. He sits on the bed and feel that is soft confronto alla tavola di legno dove dorme lui. Quel posto gli piace, e se vuole rimanerci deve imparare a vivere come il nonno. Dopo aver vissuto a casa sua non sarebbe certo stato difficile, ma Marcello questo ancora non l’aveva capito.

Prima lezione

Le giornate scorrono tranquillamente, ma cariche di lavoro, Marcello scopre un’intesa con suo nonno che non si sarebbe mai aspettato, sebbene il suo vocabolario fosse troppo ricco di espressioni colorite. Il lavoro è piacevole e mai troppo stressante. Il nonno gli insegna spesso dei trucchi per velocizzarsi ulteriormente e le serate sono sempre annaffiate da vino che li rende very carefree. One thing disturbs Marcello, when his grandfather worked shirtless. From his parents are not allowed anyone to work bare-chested, he had never seen anyone but himself naked. See his grandfather, with his body a bit heavy 'age, but still handsome, with a round belly and firm just as we did him and his furry white Unlike that is pitch black, sometimes it does remain dumbfounded and wonder how sometimes surprised himself staring at him.
When you share the thoughts of his grandfather tells him: "Your parents think that it is a sin to work so well? Or is it just a whim of your mother? However I do not care, I go to work naked if I can do it, I'm at home here and no one can tell me anything. I repeat the invitation, of course you too can do what you want no one to judge "as saying a resounding fart spring as if to underline it. Marcello is disgusted, can not believe that his grandfather has farted while they were at the table, the very thing upsets him and Achilles realizes it. He understands that he exaggerated but has no intention of giving up, he swore himself to be able to remove the stick from his ass to his nephew and that air that is found to be an altar boy submissive. Not spring and in the days after his clothes are reduced further, the burps and farts still make them (but not at the table) also if you notice the discomfort of his grandson. One day he asks why it should be so devoted to the label, because he had to suffer the heat when he could very well work in shorts and shirts. Marcello could not give a precise answer, he said only that his mother wanted it, Achilles pointed out the obvious, namely that the mother was there. The next day, Marcello wore the clothes they had found in the closet, shorts that reached to the knees and a sleeveless shirt. Achille note that during the first day his grandson is very awkward, but encourages him and scolds him never to let him know that he was right to "change" his views. Marcello instead though encouraged, can not help but notice, however, that the more time passes, more clothing grandfather's decline, and certainly not was due to the laundry which Rosa, the maid who helps him from time to time in housework.

The beginning of the full emancipation of Marcellus is a Sunday, for that day says his grandfather would not have to worry about anything but relaxed. When Marcello, awakened by noises coming downstairs from his grandfather down under, warns that it has just raised, because wearing only an undershirt and underpants, while he's wearing pajamas. "Son, I just made the coffee, then I think I do a refresh to get me a stroll through the fields. "
"But you have to work real grandfather," Marcello answered while grabbing a cup.
"Fuck no, you do not work today went to the barn fire I will not move a finger!" The ruffles his hair and goes upstairs to get dressed.
Marcello ponders what to do, has never been at home doing nothing, if you really had nothing to do, his mother made him read the Bible, but does not believe in that house he had found one. Among other things, the idea of \u200b\u200breading a collection of warnings in the days when he could do whatever they like except to work, it seems quite foolish. Once the grandfather is ready to exit Marcello has all the free time per lavarsi e darsi una bella rinfrescata: quella notte era stata calda e lui non aveva riposato bene. Una doccia tonificante avrebbe fatto al caso suo. Proprio quando esce dalla doccia pensa che sarebbe carino per loro poter rinfrescarsi nella vasca di irrigazione dei campi. Avrebbero potuto riempirla e usarla a mo di piscina; certo gli sarebbe piaciuto preparare il tutto affinché il nonno, una volta tornato dalla sua passeggiata, avrebbe potuto farsi un bagno senza preoccuparsi di riempirla. Una volta l’aveva fatto con suo padre, allora era molto piccolo e lo ricorda come uno dei pochi momenti piacevoli passati con la sua famiglia, ricorda sua madre che schizzava l’acqua coi piedi seduta sul bordo della vasca e suo padre che gli insegnava a nuotare. Purtroppo but does not know where the keys of the switch charge pump that water from the well. Must necessarily reach the grandfather would have only had to get an explanation of how to operate the pump, it is certainly not easy to see where my grandfather is direct. He thought that with this heat wave could not help but move towards the orchards, there is fresher because the trees protect from the strong sun.

decides to go there to apricots, (they are the favorite fruit of his grandfather) and after just a few yards note the red shirt he had worn his grandfather this morning. Only that was thrown to the ground, and after a few meters is also his trousers and pants. Collects and forwards along the whole orchard. He began to think that something might have happened, still does not understand why his grandfather had the need to undress, although most recently worked in their underwear. His mother provided him with the idea that the strip, it just happens to wash and nothing else. At some point this pant is right next to him, a few meters he saw his grandfather sitting on the floor, leaning against a tree stark naked, his heart starts beating fast, he realizes that his grandfather shakes his thing in his hands and note that his face is red. Her eyes are closed and seems to suffer much. Among other things it does not know if there is scratching or what. He approached slowly, "Grandpa you? Did he bite a snake? "says Marcello almost hesitantly.
Achilles shudders not expecting her nephew there!

"What are you doing here? Have not I told you to rest or do whatever you want? "
Marcello looks down on the clothing that holds in his hand:" Sorry Grandpa, I'm here because I wanted to ask you something, but are you okay? What's the matter? "
" It is not clear what his nephew is doing? I also take out? A little 'respect for Diana "
Marcello became gloomier, is sorry to have angered his grandfather and tells him that she could not disturb him, but rather in seeing what he thought had been hurt.
"You really do not know what I'm doing?"
Marc shakes his head.
"Mmm, the situation is serious, you have just castrated! By laying those clothes and come here and I have to explain a little 'things. "
Marcello comes close to not caring grandfather who held most of the clothes and realizes that the thing his grandfather is hard and throbbing. The embarrassed him by surprise, is the first time he sees another human being naked except for himself. He looks away and blushes, though feels a strange feeling in my stomach and lower abdomen.
Achilles realizes the embarrassment of his nephew but will not give up after such an occasion, some do not want to miss such ooportunità. "Then at least you know how babies are born?"
"I think the same way in which calves are born"
"I want to know also how they enter the cow?"
Marcello nods increasingly red-faced and looking somewhere else. "Very well, now that I finally stripped you also see how you did ... you take away everything!" the voice of Achilles cracks almost embarrassed to say the words, but it still feels too excited to do so resitere bolder.
"But Grandpa, why should I do, I am ashamed."
Marcello is surprised by the order of his grandfather, however, feels that the suo coso si sta indurendo e prova ulteriore imbarazzo.

“Ma vedi che sono nudo come un verme anche io, non c’è nulla da vergognarsi, tra l’altro sei mio nipote.” Achille nota la sua reticenza, i suoi genitori gli avranno completamente candeggiato il cervello; non ha che una sola cosa da fare e cioè impartirgli un ordine che deve per forza eseguire. Sembra funzionare e lentamente mentre si sbottona la camicia Achille gli chiede “Ma quando ti viene duro il cazzo (Marcello arrossisce violentemente) non hai mai fatto nulla?”
“Ho chiesto a papà e lui mi ha detto che dipende dalle tentazioni e che devo pregare. I never truly understood what it meant "
" So in fact you never touched down there? Except when you brush? "Says Achille preventing the response of his nephew, who shakes his head, a clear denial.
Grandpa smiles and caresses his cock. When Marcello is completely naked with her hands covering themselves with the thing, my grandfather's eyes sparkle: "At least your dad gave you a good thing: my DNA. Same round, taut belly and chest as hairy as the legs come on, show me the big guy? "
" You say the thing? I was ashamed ... "stutters Marcello looking down.
"Point one is called dick, or pea or as you like but do not call thing; two, I see how hard? "In fact, the grandfather shows a truncheon and hard button that stands a thick patch of light hair. "Do I look embarrassed? It's something that we all thank goodness there you have it tough, mean that it works. Have you no shame, and sit down next to me teach you a little 'things. "
Marcello sits next to his grandfather, careful not to discover how much more embarrassed, but when his grandfather insists the eye surrenders and shows cock.

"A club with great respect, you took from me," he says, pointing his cock "will be at least an eighteen inches and then è bello grosso. Vedi il mio è un po’ più stretto.” Gli da una pacca sulle spalle mentre capisce che Marcello è totalmente confuso. Non sa dove guardarlo, in petto sul cazzo o negli occhi.
“Allora devi sapere che la natura ti ha dato il cazzo non solo per pisciare,” si rende conto che sta oltrepassando di molto il limite, quindi si sforza all’improvviso di moderare il linguaggio per non turbare ulteriormente Marcello. “Ma anche per riprodurti, per avere dei figli che per lo più combacia con il fare all’amore. Per fortuna non dobbiamo procreare ogni volta che lo facciamo altrimenti sarebbe la nostra fine – ridacchia e si accorge di avere la completa attenzione di suo nipote- mentre altre sometimes lack the raw materials, namely women, or men having fun together. So I now saw that I wanted and my pea was already very hard this morning, unlike yours, rather than say a rosary, I choose the more pleasant for me to go away ... as we call it? ... Discomfort? He smiles and sees that the redness of his nephew to be declining, but his bat is always tough.
"So the first point, we explain a bit 'the parts of the pea; know them already?" Marcello nods no.
"For convenience I use my manhood as example, after if you want I'll do a review on your own, if you like to touch you there. Then, we start from the bottom, these you see below are the balls, serve to produce sperm um ... the seed that is to procreate, "the grandfather coming across the bar to belly to show off his big balls of hair trimmed. "If you want to touch is fine, just do not hug because they are delicate. Then we have the shaft of the cock, the thickest part that determines the length and thickness. This part consists of the cavernous bodies that absorb the blood and you intostano cock. Your hard as I can see so there is still a lot of blood. "Marcello blushes and settled back on the grass. Grandpa nods Marcello to lean to see better while scappella cock: "Then we have the most important part: the chapel, or glans, which is what makes us enjoy the pleasure we feel is the urge to make us cum. Finally, the skin covering the heads you see? It is called the foreskin, and luckily you have your left again. Now if you try to touch you scappellarti and the chapel, feel that it is very sensitive ...
"What should I do?" Marcello asks confused.
"scappellarti You see you have to leave the heads from the foreskin, look at me." Achilles grabs the cock in tip and slides his hand down, showing a large chapel and red. His nephew try to repeat the movement but the grandfather discovers that his nephew is now in difficulty. He realizes that the boy has never scappellato cock then is not familiar with the matter.
Marco if you do not bother, I can help and I'll show you how to make a saw that is the thing that I was doing before you interrupted me. "
Marcello further blushes and leaning back on his hands as fuck to create a barrier.
"Then do not do that, you want to understand how to segarti or not? Acted on by a man, you'll see that you'll thank me later. "
Marcello hesitant move your hands off the cock and lets him at the mercy of his grandfather.
"First you wet the part to make it slippery. The best thing is saliva "then spits in his hand and began to gently touch the fucking Marcello feels under the hand jump clear sign of its excessive sensitivity due to the fact that it never sawed. The cock he fills his hand, is fat and veins, the chapel was purple and shiny.
"As you see I'm wetting the foreskin and gradually coming down, out the heads. Feel like slides? "
" Yes grandfather, but it is very annoying when you touch me, it almost hurts. "
" Ok go more gently now that the cock is well lubricated, I slowly get off the skin but not all. It's a good feeling? "
Marcello nods, trying a feeling so intense that no nemmeno la forza per parlare.

“Bravo il mio nipotino, vedo che impari la lezione senti come scivola bene la mano lungo il cazzo? E come rallento e poi velocizzo? Ma guarda qua che belle palline…” con l’altra mano gli accarezza le palle mentre continua a segarlo. Marcello sembra in estasi, inarca la schiena e chiude gli occhi, non ha mai provato una sensazione simile, non ha mai goduto tanto.
“Ora devi fare un po’ di pratica, e visto che devo capire se esegui bene la manovra, sarai tu a segare me.”
Achille si mette più comodo sdraiandosi e dandogli l’opportunità di Grasp the fucking button.
"Then do not let me down and follow all the steps"
Marcello then spits in his hand and began to sprinkle the saliva on the tip of the penis. She takes two fingers and try to segarlo so.
"This is not shit you're touching, and the pea from his grandfather, just like I did before I grab the rod as a hoe."
Marcello then grabs his cock fully now purple and helping his grandfather with the other hand to scapocchiarlo, wets everything. For a moment you stop to think how to be natural, never would have thought some time before he was found with his grandfather's cock in his hand. What excites him even more and takes up the scappellamento but clumsy move him down in a bang and all this causes a bit 'of pain to the Achilles reguardisce telling him to be quiet. Grab the rod and began to slide up and down on cock. "Bravo Marcello, but keep the better grip, not an egg in your hand? You shit! "Marcello holds strong cock and then starts to slowly segarlo.
"Bravo now gradually increase the speed." Marcello runs and note that a hand of his grandfather tries to grab his cock, then puts them in a position to afford it. "Grandpa I really like to have your cock in hand so ... er," and so saying, she takes the balls with his other hand.
"Bravo Marcello also I like your cock. You're doing a fish in hand with all the trimmings ... Did you learn right away. "
Marcello understand that fish is in the hands of another word to say saw.

"Bravo Marcello now in a little 'I'll show you my cum. Want to make me cum? "
" I've never seen it, I'm curious "Marcello spitting it back in your hands is the speed increases.
"Bravo Marcello aaah ... well ... a little 'aaahh ... do not stop, here it is ... here's the Cum aaaahhhh" Marcello sees his grandfather's face twist into a grimace of pleasure and sees pop out his cock a long stream of white liquid that comes up to the chest of his grandfather, and much more is pouring down his hand, but does not stop and continues to segarlo.
"Enough now, after the cumshot is annoying. So first of all thanks for the saw that you made me beautiful, look at how much cum came out, I'm all bedraggled. You see well, you see how white pearl and a little 'translucent? "
Marcello nods" It looks like glue, "said, looking at the hand that cleans dirty cum on her leg, Achilles is very excited by this gesture.
Now we have to see how your lie down now I'll cum for the first time in your life. "
Marcello lies down, now has lost all sense of shame and feel his cock throbbing like never before. He hears the grandfather who will be spared in his hand and grabs his dick. His hand is warm and the feeling is very nice. Sega almost violently so that should spread their legs for the ball against it. It's great to hear the shit that scapocchia because of his grandfather. "Grandpa is wonderful"
"In a little 'feel a strange sensation, do not worry even let go. That feeling is called orgasm and you will see that fighter too much cum. "
The pace has increased, the hand is fast, the heads of Marcello is purple. His grandfather stroked his balls, then the stomach and then the large and hairy chest. A Marcello like those caresses. He feels at some point, something that rises from behind the cock as if pulled from the inside. Grit your teeth and scream out a loud, did not even have the strength to open his eyes, and never felt a sensation like a lot, there's the shock and felt that something stood on his stomach, chest and even the chin. It touches and is sticky. After the orgasm shook for well opens his eyes and sees the big face of his grandfather, smiling: "You've jumped a lot, and look how white your cum." We'll collect from the chin and it shows the consistency; with his other hand rubs the belly and the rest petto peloso “Ti è piaciuto vero?”
“Si nonno molto, che bello ehm il pesce in mano. Quante preghiere mi sarei risparmiato.”
“Si è vero, - ridacchia - vedrai che adesso ti sentirai molto meglio. Torniamo a casa a lavarci e rimaniamo nudi, altrimenti ci sporchiamo i vestiti. Tanto siamo soli nel raggio di chilometri…”
“Nonno ma questa cosa va fatta ogni volta che ce l’ho duro?”
“Va fatta ogni volta che ti va… adesso non capisci ma poi ti spiegherò io… ma a proposito, perché eri venuto a cercarmi?”
Marcello gli spiega della sua idea della vasca e Achille è d’accordo sulla cosa. Passano tutto il giorno to rest in the cool water and sunbathing. The next day they sprinkled the tomatoes with this water to not throw it away.

I hope this taste of you enjoyed my writings and I would be grateful if I comunicaste your impressions, criticisms or improvements! I continue to tell you to go as Marcello and Achilles ...