Monday, December 13, 2010

How Much Do Tampons Cost

The Psychology of the Tree of
Massimo Napoli
receive from Massimo Napoli, artist, actor, writer and friend of the trees, an important contribution, dedicated to trees, called "The psychology of the tree" recited by him on the occasion of an exhibition of art, Wednesday, December 8, 2010 to Montserrat Art Gallery 900 is, in Montserrat, 14 to Rome. We post the full text, a welcome preview exclusively for our blog, and the video with his interpretation. Enjoy, as always, on the side of the trees.

1 HOW COULD I NOT HEALTHY that small form, actually has little if no response form principalmente in quello che sarà, da tenersi appena tra i polpastrelli del pollice e dell’indice, quasi a stringere un pisello, un cece o un capezzolo, sempre che il nostro intento sia quello di afferrarla. Piccola forma che unita alle altre sue simili, diviene individuo di una nuova società. Una nuova società? Nuova, giovane e rinnovata! Essa spunta adagiata, assonnata e risvegliata, sola, ma in buona compagnia delle sue sorelle e amiche, con le quali vivrà per tutto il suo tempo. Insignificante e in letargo al principio, sviluppata e formata poi. La forma e il colore! Dal bianco, che è un colore, al rosa, al verdino. Esse sono estremità ancora in boccio, da cui si sviluppano le foglie o i fiori: future fronde, next fruit. Young friends, mute, model, take the form, are similar.
2 HOW COULD I NOT HEALTHY all of those who descend from a single frame: that is a cadet branch of our family. Fork of the river, lake or road. Science, art or discipline, the logic is a branch of philosophy. Branca, strand or layer: to have a branch of madness, not be entirely wise. The "branch" has donated generously in the language, like an arm, like a hug.
3 HOW COULD I NOT HEALTHY urbanized trees of our streets, often forced to use as pivot Our garbage, while they scream in their divine silence us, "I am a tree, not a box! - Our dirty cigarette butts, trimmed from our filthy mucous membranes, lashed to the base of these magnificent tree trunks. Our homes are beautiful and friendly by nature and gross. Mercy!
4 HOW COULD I NOT HEALTHY trees that we see without moving your legs to run from the train window. Majestic, solitary, beautiful. Sculptures of excellent workmanship, carved as a whim and always ready to be read as verses of poetry. They are our dear and loyal friends. We pump the lungs, and protect it from sunburn. We are told in first grade.
5 HOW COULD I NOT HEALTHY trees as a forest, by the word planet. Honey, that there is no word to define their values, if not destroy it in when we count the pennies that we remain poor. Blinded by the fury of burn everyone and everything as the devastating waves of Tamerlane, everything burns, crack, creak and sputter.
6 HOW COULD I NOT HEALTHY those trees that formed the bottoms of the early Greek theaters, where human conflict is dignified in the face of the true nature, all became credible. Trees that became places, kingdoms, or Olympus. Backdrops and scenes until the cherries of Liubov Andriéievna Ranyevskaia Adolphe Appia and then swept it all away. The theater is inherent in the timber, fragrant and golden.
7 HOW COULD I NOT HEALTHY the memory of Anne Frank tree, which, with its highest peak, showing just the top, stripping and soaking, reassured her giving her the gift of timing. Now from that tree died in the month of August 2010, there is a line of dozens of young plants. Those who annoy us, boasting illustrious ancestors, have progenitors of that caliber?
8 HOW COULD I NOT HEALTHY the cycle of seasons, a must for any healthy balance, marked by the straordinaria clessidra, che è la foglia caduca. Foglie dal carattere effimero e passeggiero, dalla vita breve,quasi quanto quella delle farfalle, a rammentarci saggiamente, che tutto ha un inizio e una fine.
9 COME POTREI NON SALUTARE quegli alberi divenuti ceppi, per decapitarvi i condannati a morte. Forzati alla complicità, benché gli alberi non avessero mai espresso una loro scelta in favore della pena capitale. Intrisi di inutile sangue umano, quei poveri ceppi sono in balìa di disturbi della personalità.


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