Monday, December 6, 2010

Can You Fall Pregnant With Thrush

In Spain, Eucalyptus globulus is a
the tree of 2010

Organized by Bosques sin Fronteras and Fundación Biodiversidad , was held on November 19, 2010 Spain Award Bosques y Año Árboles the win in the category that has seen "Albor giant" and the wonderful old specimen of Eucalyptus globulus , known more familiarly Abuelo de Chavín (O AVO) , the grandfather of Chavin. This tree extraordinary exceptional size (71.40 10 meters high, 5 feet in circumference ), one of the tallest trees in Europe and (for height and width ratio -72.5 cubic meters) the 'mast largest in Spain, is located in Galicia in the north west of the Iberian Peninsula, the Natural Monument of Souto from Retorta near the town of Viveiro and easily accessible by Lugo and Santiago de Compostela. The Chavin Abuelo's was planted in 1880 with seeds imported directly from Australia Monaco Benedictine Rosendo Salvado, Tuy (Pontevedra), who had moved to the southern continent to carry out her evangelizing activity. Today, despite the action of an insect pest on Gonipterus scutellatus (which are the larvae feed on the leaves) in which he is seriously attack seems to bring its 130 years with pride and pride. Post a video where you can realize the greatness and a link to the blog English "El blog de forestman" for more news on the prize.


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