Friday, December 31, 2010

How To Renew Barber License In Columbus Ohio

Buon 2011: Woof!

Un post piccolo piccolo, quasi un dovere... No, è comunque un piacere augurare buon anno a una comunità che segue questo blog con tanto affetto, e che magari seguiva ancor prima la fanzine cartacea con la which WOOF! came into the world and has drawn the first leg. No frills, no budget (always find the time). Only a graceful design with two teddy bears in love and sincere good wishes for 2011. Bear in the mouth for all your projects, dreams, loves, aspirations. And a WOOF! powerful ... that we can hear the echo in the early days of the next, almost started years.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Hard Lump Between Legs

Bear performance

Friday, December 24, 2010

Save The Date For My Birthday

Buon Natale... e si salvi chi può!

“Babbo Natale è una figura mitica presente nel folclore di molte culture che distribuisce i doni ai bambini, di solito la sera della vigilia di Natale. Babbo Natale è un elemento importante della tradizione natalizia della civiltà occidentale, oltre che in America latina, in Giappone ed in altre parti dell'Asia orientale...”

Questo secondo le prime righe di Wikipedia, e il generale conformismo che induce a ignorare i tanti legami del personaggio con culture e pratiche profane. Potremmo ricordare le parentele con il leggendario San Nicola vescovo di Mira, e speculare su quanto le campagne commerciali della Coca-Cola abbiano influenzato l’iconografia del noto genio del Natale. Babbo Natale inizialmente vestiva di verde, rammenta sempre Wikipedia, e fu la bevanda più gasata del mondo a renderlo il pancione scarlatto e bianco che si conosce. Almeno così viene detto da decenni. Simbolo del solstizio d’inverno, momento di rinascita e rigenerazione, cui in seguito fu sovrapposta la ricorrenza della nascita di Gesù, Babbo Natale è in realtà una figura panica. Panico nel senso del tutto e del dionisiaco. Figura allegorica dalle mille valenze, si cristallizza come risultato di spunti culturali eterogenei. Ma la sua anima primordiale è barbara, poco affine all’asettico candore con cui è di solito il personaggio è rappresentato. Il suo fato è sempre stato quello di mutare nei secoli, integrando pulsioni e sogni differenti, diventando a volte icona di innocenza, altre oggetto di trasgressione e di stravaganti invenzioni pop.  Fino all’erotizzazione di Babbo Natale, vera icona del movimento omosessuale degli orsi, la sottocultura gay che valorizza la sensualità di uomini paffuti e barbuti.
Insomma, Babbo Natale porta regali a tutti. Belli e brutti. Buoni e bricconi. Mistici e miscredenti. Cristiani e pagani. Babbo Natale è lo spirito della terra, e uno dei suoi segreti leggendari – sdoganato di recente da Helena Velena sul suo sito e nelle sue performance – ha davvero del bizzarro. 

Torniamo a parlare per un momento della matrice del Babbo, cioè del tradizionale San Nicola. Tradizione che nasce in Russia, tra i territori della Siberia e il Circolo Polare Artico. Può suonare sorprendente, eppure le popolazioni pagane, per lo più tribù nomadi, che albergavano quelle fredde regioni, per il solstizio d’Inverno celebravano questa figura leggendaria scambiandosi dei doni esattamente come chi festeggia oggi la ricorrenza natalizia. Una pratica in particolare, se vogliamo, rappresentava il piatto forte di questa festa. Un dono allucinante. Sì, perché in quelle lande cresce un fungo molto particolare, dal caratteristico cappello scarlatto spruzzato di eleganti white spots ... like (thinks a bit '!) the habit of Santa Claus. His name is Amanita muscaria, a fungus of which there are some variations that are very poisonous, but that is famous for its hallucinogenic properties. To stem the toxic effects dell'Amanita, who was accustomed to use them, he would let it dry for days, leaving him hanging by the fireplace in a manner reminiscent of the famous long braid in which Santa Claus should leave her gifts. But not all. Another way to make use of the narcotic properties of the fungus without much danger, that geezer was to make it feed the reindeer, animal, very popular in those regions. In fact, the digestive system of reindeer, unlike the human one, has the power to purge the most toxic components of Amanita from his. Humans could do was drink the urine released from these animals, which retained the qualities psychedelic liquid released from the chemical components that would make it deadly.

Red, White, FP, mushrooms, reindeer ... An equation that speaks for itself. Much, much before the advent all-American Coca-Cola. Yet, the relatives are almost always uncomfortable the world to attend important events, and to carve out a place around the table prepared. It is no coincidence that those red and white mushrooms, the ones that we see so often in illustrations of the most famous fairy tales, have also become among the most popular Christmas ornaments. There are also in the crib, among lichens, trees and other vegetation unlikely. The Amanita muscaria, the red and white as Santa's coat, is also present there. Vivid, unambiguous and indispensable for the completion of the usual festive framework.
The parties, of which humanity needs as breaks to sleep, to laugh at jokes, dreams to go on, belong to all, and often were produced by an array of popular phenomena that, far from removing the importance Symbols can only reinforce them. For this reason we say that Santa is a figure of panic, that wild and primeval, legata alla natura, alla vegetazione, alle bestie, e al bisogno di gioire, di far festa, impazzire e amare. Anche se schiacciati dalla ruota della festa più consumistica, e spesso ipocrita, dell’anno. Babbo Natale è ugualmente tra noi, e lo accogliamo per quello che può offrirci, nella nostra lingua, secondo i nostri codici culturali, sogni e aspirazioni. In barba alle tradizioni più ortodosse, al consumismo e all’insofferenza più snob. Per questo diciamo, anzi urliamo, aggrappati alla zattera del nostro quotidiano:  Buon Natale... e si salvi chi può.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Motorcycle Powerslide Happens

Orsi Siculi: 8 Gennaio 2011 al Rise Up

BEARS SICULO relaunches! After the Christmas holidays, the Sicilian community ursi there is still a boiling hot night to warm the cold winter nights with our now familiar heat. I'll see everyone on Saturday, January 8 PALERMO INFO Location: RISE UP Disco club Address: via Ugo La Malfa, 95 Date: January 8, 2011 Time: from 23:30 Price: '+ 10,00 EURO Power Consumption (Orsisiculi CARD CARD and Exit) "without consummation 10.00 EURO (without cards) (*) The entry includes the first drink on the console DJ IVAN SUTER PERFORMER Orsisiculi go-go boys bears Exit INFO LINE Mauro (Orsisiculi): +39 328 117 2078 Joseph (Orsisiculi): +39 349 032 6616 tony (orsisiculi): +39 340 9308 173 (wind)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Doujin Dbz Bulma X Vegeta

Olmo A gold in Melbourne.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
to all the Friends of the trees.

We congratulate a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all friends of the trees that have visited our blog in 2010, almost twenty thousand readers (and thank you for your attention) posting a video that pays tribute to a wonderful example of Golden Wych Elm , Ulmus glabra 'Lutes CENS', the big hair and planted in 1938, located in the heart of Melbourne, Australia, on the corner of Alexandra Parade and Punt Road, South Yarra . L ' Ulmus glabra' lutescens ', is one of the most beautiful cultivar of' Ulmus glabra Olmo or mountain that, the characteristic of its leaves when exposed to sunlight becomes bright yellow, almost golden color is called Golden Elm . Tree of medium size and rapid growth, can get to 15/20 meters in height at maturity, forming a large crown round. Best known in America and planted Australia and New Zealand has the property of being one of the species that is resistant to DED Elm Elm, Dutch elm disease (DED). The sample of Melbourne, considering the fact that he lives right in the center of the city, is truly spectacular, let's enjoy the video "The Trees" of Alfred Zerfas . Buona visione e buone feste a tutti!

I Am In Need Of A Caning Can You Help

Quake Rugby Calendar - Se lo sport è gay friendly

The Seattle Quake Rugby Football Club is an American non-profit whose function is to promote the game of Rugby and Football, both nationally and internationally, involving and training to sports players and coaches of all races and sexual orientations. A challenge to social and sporting not just that the last decade has been successful on several fields. Founded in 2002, the sports association designed to open a space for gay athletes, has grown like wildfire, growing in members and popularity. Back in June of 2002, had held his first major competition at the Second International Gay Rugby Tournament . A reality show that associative playful as the lack of barriers and social differences can benefit the sport and return it to its recreational nature of peaceful competition. Among other things, an initiative already become a tradition is the whimsical calendar the Seattle Quake Rugby Football Club produces two years. Available at the website of the association, sales of 2011 Calendar Quake initiatives will be used to subsidize sports facilities and gay friendly. The theme of the 2011 calendar are parodies of famous films, all in homoerotic key, ironic and polite. The web presentation of the calendar, following the lines of a movie script, reads something like this:

"Lights, Camera, Action . Scene: The players and the community support, smiling in a field wet with dew. (Voiceover) In a competitive world, the world of Rugby, comes a fundraiser of colossal proportions ... / Contribute to support your favorite team by purchasing a gay Rugby Quake Calendar 2011 for only $ 15. Buy it today and have it sign players to your heart. "

The Seattle Quake Rugby Football Club is a vibrant reality that has made sport a natural tool to express their way of be, and succeeds customs clearance outside by their codes of a gay community. An initiative by the intent is very serious in the context of sports competitions in which social mechanisms. A really brave and nice to appoggiare.

Seattle Quake Rugby


Broken Capillaries From Thyroid Medication

Beorn: miti, leggende, fiabe...

Torna il nostro amico Beorn e il suo cammino dedicato alla Bear Art , fatto di ammiccamenti mitologici, fantasie su luoghi comuni e circostanze piccanti. Il suo è un tratto semplice, in fase di definizione, che si nutre di immaginario fantastico e passione ursina allo stato puro. E' con piacere che riceviamo in regalo questi tre disegni e li pubblichiamo WOOF on!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Saying On Retirement Cake


- "There once was a tree ... Christmas giant ... "
- "You know what a drag."

- "Why can not Santa have kids?"
- "Why do only once a year ... and with a reindeer!"

"Life 'as pretty as a Christmas tree ...
Too bad there is always someone who breaks the balls .. "

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pricing For Jcpeny Salon

Renenou... forever

Retirement at age 60


Naked Protest

Gorditos in Playa