Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Poems About Grandma's Death


Macchiarella Tommy Thomas writes on September 28 at 23:32:

"P. Amato returned to the Father's house. 20:45 scuilla the phone in my house is the brother of P. Amato I announced the death. My heart is very sad, the story ends here xkè a Sacerdotekè has marked the history of Partanna and Partannesi, but at the same time thank god kè now, nn will suffer more. We remain kè nn cn pregare.E remember his The funeral will take place .. smile Wednesday at 11:00 am in Naples (Bridges) in Kiesa mother ... (I apologize but I nn qst time words) ... Jesus Mary and Joseph!


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Master Volume Dialog Box

Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Recitiamo insieme la Coroncina della Divina Misericordia, che a partire dalle ore 15 del pomeriggio, santifica tutte le anime alla Misericordia Divina di NS Gesù Cristo.
Tutti coloro che la reciteranno saranno salvati e aiutati nel cammino della conversione.

Per la recita di questa coroncina Mi piace concedere tutto cio' che Mi chiederanno.


1) Chiunque reciterà la Coroncina alla Divina Misericordia otterrà tanta misericordia nell'ora della morte - cioè la grazia the conversion and death in a state of grace - even if it were a sinner most hardened and recitation once ... ....( Notebooks, II, 122)

2) When will be recited by the dying, I will stand between the Father and the dying soul, not as just Judge but as the Savior promised misericordioso.Gesù the grace of conversion and forgiveness of sins of the dying as a result of the recitation of the Chaplet on the part of those dying or the other (... Quaderni, II , 204 to 205)

3) All the souls who adore My mercy, and recite the chaplet at the hour of death will not be afraid. My mercy will protect them in that last fight (Notebooks ... V, 124).

Since these three promises are very large and cover the decisive moment of our destiny, Jesus directed his priests to advise an appeal for sinners to the recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy as a last hope of salvation.

With it you will get all, if what you ask is in accordance with My will.

Time of Mercy

October 1937 in Krakow, in unspecified circumstances by Sister Faustina, Jesus has recommended to honor the time of his death, which he called "an hour of great mercy for the whole world "(Q. IV p. 440). "In that hour - he said later - the whole world was made grace, mercy, justice won "(Diary, p.. 517).

to Sister Faustina, Jesus taught how to celebrate the hour of mercy and recommended:

plead mercy of God throughout the world, especially for sinners;
plot his passion, especially when the agony and the abandonment in that case promised the grace of understanding of its value.
particularly recommend "in hour trying to do the Stations of the Cross, if your schedule allows, and if you can not enter the Way of the Cross in the chapel for a moment and honor in my heart is full Sacramento mercy. And if you can not go to chapel, gathered in prayer at least for a brief moment where you are "(Diary, p.. 517).
Jesus pointed out three conditions required for the prayers to be answered at that hour: the

Prayer should be directed to Jesus and should take place at three in the afternoon;
must relate to the merits of His sorrowful passion.
"In that hour - Jesus says - do not refuse anything that I pray for the soul My Passion" ( Q IV, p.. 440). We must add that the intention of the prayer should be in accordance with the Will of God and prayer must be confident, consistent and united the active practice of charity toward the neighbor, the condition of all forms of worship of Divine Mercy

Jesus Santa Maria Faustina Kowalska

Pray the Rosary.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, I think. On

grains of the Our Father is said

Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the world whole.

On the Hail Mary beads is said:

For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and the world.

the end it says three times:

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us and the world.

ends with the invocation

O Blood and Water, which flows from the Heart of Jesus as the source of mercy for us, I trust in You

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Can I Take Expired Ativan

Pentecost: May 31, 2009

E'finalmente arrived: Pentecost, 50 days after Easter of Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ . Hallelujah, hallelujah ... Maria in the Upper Room together with the Apostles as they waited and prayed, they receive fire of the Holy Spirit, as a demonstration of the love of God 'at this very moment the Church is formed. Mary and the Apostles to spread the world with the existence of the Third Person of the Trinity: the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit ...... Holy Spirit is the Soul of the Church, without him what the Church reduced, a sort of humanitarian community .. the Church is a living body, whose vitality is the result of the Divine Spirit.
The solemnity of Pentecost, this is a wonderful event and this May, the festival falls on the last day of Mary, the church plays with the solemnity of the Visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth.
We ask the Holy Spirit comforting presnza of the Paraclete and who lives in our lives.
bless the Virgin Mary, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen!

(the catechist Anna Maria)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

How Long Does It Take Drysol To Work

Pentecost Novena


In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit Santo.

recite the Veni, Creator Spiritus, or the sequence

Day 1
"You are merciful to all, because all you can not look at the sins of men, in view of repentance. Because you love all things that are and loathe nothing that you have made, if I hated something you would not even created. How could a thing remain, unless you want? Or be preserved if you had not called forth? You spare all things because they are yours, Lord, lover of life, for your imperishable spirit is in all things. For this you just punishment to the culprits and warn them again reminding them of their sins, because, denying the evil, believe in you, Lord. "(Sap.11 0.23 to 26; 12:1-2)

Holy Spirit God's gift to my soul, I remain seized with emotion and admiration, thinking of you. I find nothing I can say that I feel deep happiness, my host sapendoti sweet and divine life in me. How
showering water, my soul is overwhelmed with peace, love, contemplation taste of teas.
I am astonished as the face of such condescension, and I think your beautiful, beautiful beyond words and imagination, I think of the inexhaustible riches of your grace, gifts, virtues, fruits and beatitudes.
I think of your tender goodness, that pushes you to dwell in me. You have everything, you can do anything, you can give me everything. They moved into a state of admiration, in spite of my misery, that makes me be the last of the earth.
I thank you, I adore you, thank you, I ask you all. Give me all, O Holy Spirit!
- 3 Glory

Day 2
"Non c’è dunque nessuna condanna per quelli che sono in Cristo Gesù. Poichè la legge dello Spirito che dà vita in Cristo Gesù ti ha liberato dalla legge del peccato e della morte" (Rm 8,1-2).

Spirito del Signore e celeste donatore, con la più profonda umiltà, ma anche con tutta la potenza dei miei ardenti desideri, chiedo i tuoi santi doni, particolarmente la sapienza e la pietà.
Accresci in me questi doni fino al loro sviluppo completo affinché l’anima mia sia docile ed obbediente a Te, Maestro interiore, ed io viva abitualmente dei tuoi doni e nella contemplazione intima e soave di Te e di tutta la Trinità.
- 3 Gloria al Padre

3° Giorno
"Quelli infatti che vivono secondo la carne, pensano alle cose della carne; quelli invece che vivono secondo lo Spirito, alle cose dello Spirito. Ma i desideri della carne portano alla morte, mentre i desideri dello Spirito portano alla vita e alla pace" (Rm 8,5-6).

Spirito Santo, Maestro interiore e santificatore, io Ti domando con insistenza instancabile di voler istruire il mio intelletto su tutta la verità e parlare al mio cuore, di volermi santificare curando la mia anima come hai curato quella della Madonna, l’Immacolata tua Sposa, dei Martiri e dei Santi.
Io sono avido di santità: non per me, ma per dare gloria a Te, Maestro dei maestri, gloria alla Trinità, splendore alla Chiesa, esempio alle anime.
Non c’è mezzo migliore per essere veri apostoli che essere santi, perché, all’infuori della santità, si conclude ben poco.
Spirito Santo ascolta la mia preghiera ed esaudisci i miei ardenti desideri.
- 3 Gloria al Padre

4° Giorno
"Quelli che vivono secondo la carne non possono piacere a Dio. Voi però non siete sotto il dominio della carne, ma dello Spirito, dal momento che lo Spirito abita in voi. Se qualcuno non ha lo Spirito di Cristo, non gli appartiene. E se Cristo è in voi, il vostro corpo è morto a causa del peccato, ma lo Spirito è vita a causa della giustificazione"(Rm 8,8-10)

Spirito Santo, verità e luce beatissima, sento una deep sadness to see that You are almost completely unknown or forgotten by most of us.
Do not you ever think, as we are distracted by so many concerns, absorbed by the spirit of the world, careless and heedless of your kindness and gentleness. What ingratitude!
Much of this is our fault, we do not live this truth and who almost never speak to souls.
Hail, Spirit of God, these poor my feelings, so regrettable oversight of repair and to implore so much light for me, for the priests and the faithful.
- 3 Glory

Day 5
"And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies by his Spirit that ancestral in you "(Rom.8, 11).

Holy Spirit, love and sweetness of the Father and the Son, flower and fragrance of God's holiness, divine fire lit in me, make my heart all over again, you take away every stain and dark, burning all impurities, and restore the image of the Son of God.
Spirit of fire that you deserve to live personally to sanctify me in, turn on me in this fire of love, piercing and invest with your flame across my soul, cast out every inordinate affection; apostolic achievements to push me, give me the grace to be a pure flame and burn and eternal love.
- 3 Glory

Day 6
"So then brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh: for if ye live after the flesh will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, ye shall live "(Rom 8.12-13).

Spirit of strength you have given to the martyrs the strength to die gladly for the cause of Christ the Lord, instill in me the divine gift in whole or intensity.
thrill my slumber and my laziness, make me strong in taking all that the Lord asks of me, regardless of the sacrifices and efforts, to your glory and the spiritual and material benefit of all our brothers. Give me
strength to continue with zeal, without getting tired and unable to leave because I started it.
Give me courage and energy in defending the Church boldly, in stating in front of all the integrity of the true faith and allegiance to the Pope and the Bishops. Give me the momentum of the apostolate
superhuman, that I will endure to the end, if it means martyrdom or any of the body. Divine Spirit, sustain me with your almighty circondami of your strength and wrap me in your invincible fortress.
- 3 Glory

Day 7
"All who are judged by the Spirit of God are sons of God, and you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received a spirit of adoption whereby we cry, 'Abba, Father' "(Rom. 8:14-15).

Spirit of truth and light, heat and flame of light, most blessed light, clears and scatter the shadows of my mind all of the error and doubt.
radiates and illuminates with perfect clarity the depths of my soul. What I reject out every error, which adheres strongly to the truth according to the teachings of the Church ; you walk in your glory.
dress of your holy light, I will always remain in your truth and pure clarity.
- 3 Glory

Day 8
"And if we are children, then heirs: eredi di Dio, coeredi di Cristo, se veramente partecipiamo alle sue sofferenze per partecipare anche alla sua gloria" (Rm 8,17).

Spirito purificatore, purificami da ogni macchia. Santificami e dammi le virtù di Gesù, le stesse sue intenzioni e disposizioni interiori.
Sii in me lo stesso Spirito di Gesù.
Spira all’anima mia, verso Gesù, lo stesso amore che il Padre spira al suo Figlio divino e dammi la stessa attrazione che il Padre sente verso il suo diletto e carissimo Figlio Gesù.
- 3 Gloria al Padre

9° Giorno
"Da che cosa derivano le guerre e le liti che sono in mezzo a voi? Non vengono forse dalle vostre passioni che combattono le vostre membra? Bramate e non able to possess and kill, covet and can not get, fight and make war! Not because you do not ask, ask and you do not get because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your pleasures. Faithless people!
not you know that loving the world is to hate God? So who wants to be a friend of the world is the enemy of God Or maybe you think that the scripture says in vain, until the Spirit loves us jealous that he has made to dwell in us? "(Giac.4 ,1-5).

Holy Spirit, I beg you to enlighten my mind with glare, which is necessary for me and for those who ask of me, and to support my weak will thank you with love and courage.
Divine holiness, lead me alla vetta della santità attraverso il lavoro continuo, paziente, docile alle tue premure.
La santità sei Tu ed io devo lasciarti vivere in me, assecondando la tua opera di perfezione.
Divino rinnovatore, rinnova tutto, rimuovi ogni male, ogni pericolo, ogni cattiveria, rifai tutto nuovo per me, tutto puro, tutto santo.
Divino vivificatore, anima della mia anima, dammi la forza di attestare e glorificare sempre, insieme con te il Figlio divino e di vivere per la sua gloria e morire nel suo amore.
Divino donatore, dammi i tuoi doni per contemplare Dio nella luce dei suoi misteri, per comprendere il vero valore della vita e delle cose e per amare tutti con pura carità, come se già fossi in cielo. Grazie! Amen!
- 3 Glory

Saturday, April 4, 2009

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To ask for the gift of peace
my God, teach me the secret to a lasting and stable peace, teach me to sort my inner harmony, so as to ensure the domination of the will and reason on all my feelings and all my actions, and above all teach them to submit to your will.
Teach me to trust in you, away from the turmoil and internal strife. Teach me to remain united to you, when I'm right when I am criticized or reprimanded severely and harshly, rooted in charity in order to maintain a humble and quiet firmness. Teach
to speak frankly my "Amen" released in the sufferings of body and soul in distress. Allow me to put my soul in you in the temptations that disturb and degrade.
Grant to keep patience, serenity and silence the contradictions, the insults and defamation. Grant was not afraid of difficulties, contradictions, struggles, which I did not complain, do not whisper, and in all these setbacks mix a bit 'of your love. What I do not exacerbate
before the violence and the intrusiveness of others, and bear with the balance discontent and anger. In silence and hope to acquire this power, this control of my soul, I fixed irremovability nella pace.

Friday, March 20, 2009

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San Benedetto da Norcia (Norcia, 480 circa – monastero di Montecassino, 547 circa) è stato un monaco e santo italiano, fondatore dell'ordine dei Benedettini. Viene venerato da tutte le chiese cristiane che riconoscono il culto dei santi.
San Benedetto da Norcia, fratello gemello di Santa Scolastica, nacque il 12 settembre 480 d.C., in un'agiata famiglia romana. Eutropio Anicio, il padre, era Capitano Generale dei romani nella regione di Norcia, mentre la madre era Claudia Abondantia Reguardati, contessa di Norcia. ORAZIONE A SAN BENEDETTO
San Benedetto, ti sei interamente donato a Dio e hai vissuto solo per lui. Con il tuo esempio, la tua fede e il tuo amore for God, you raised many generous souls in the ideal of monastic life. Father of monks, have you sent your children the joy of living in prayer, contemplation and community life for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. For the sanctity of your soul and your openness to the Spirit of Love, you opposed the power of Satan to snatch the souls that he wanted to lose for eternity. Father Benedict, intercede for us with God, because it attracts all the souls like you wish to live in fidelity to the Gospel. San Benedetto, defend us against the evil one who tries to mislead us from the path that leads to God: the path of goodness, love and eternal happiness. Protect us against the wiles of the enemy, Save us from his snares, make us strong in front of the temptation and cared for when the hour of our death. San Benedetto, chosen by God away from us the evil powers, destroys all kinds of evil and teach us to keep the peace in every moment of the heart. Amen.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

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be recited in one piece for three days in a row from March 16 or April 28 or whenever you want to express their devotion to the saint or ask some special grace

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen

O God come to my

Lord make haste to help me!



O St. Joseph, my protector, to thee, that I get from the Sacred Heart of Jesus this grace. For my sins, I do not deserve to be heard. Makes up for my shortcomings and powerful as you are, is' produced by your pious intercession the graces we so long, I can come to your feet to make the homage of my gratitude.


Do not forget, dear St. Joseph, that no person in the world, however great a sinner he was, it turned to you to be disappointed in the trust and hope in you answers. A thousand graces shine, and shine the favors that you intercede for the poor afflicted. Do not let O great saint, I have to be the only one to remain without the grace that you wonder. See also powerful and generous towards me, and my tongue, my soul, my heart, thank you sing "Viva forever the glorious patriarch St. Joseph."


O exalted head of the Holy Family, I deeply revere you, and I call all my heart. Already all the distressed souls that you have prayed've given comfort and peace, graces and favors. Deign, therefore, to console with your help, also does not hurt that my soul finds rest in anguished, which is oppressed. Thou, O great saint, see God in all my needs, and you therefore know how much I need the grace which I ask. If I get this grace, I promise to always love you and serve you faithfully until his death. O St. Joseph, consoler of the afflicted, have pity on my pain.


Remember, virginal husband of the Virgin Mary, my sweet protector, St. Joseph, no one has ever invoked your protection and sought your aid without being comforted. With this confidence, I turn to you and I recommend it fervently. Or "father" of the Redeemer, hear my prayer and Send her piteously. Amen.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

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Message of February 25, 2009

"Dear children, this time of renunciation, prayer and penance, I call again, go and confess your sins affinchè la grazia possa aprire i vostri cuori e permettete che essa vi cambi. Convertitevi, figlioli, apritevi a Dio e al suo piano per ognuno di voi. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata."

Regina della Pace, prega per noi, amen!!!

Medugorje, messaggio mensile dato alla veggente Marija Pavlovic

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

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In fondo all'altare si può vedere la composizione del Tabernacolo a festa. L'estensorio con Gesù Eucarestia si vede nel tabernacolo e l'altare a festa dà vera luce e spiritualità...
Il parroco, padre Amato, segna il significato dell'Eucarestia e la vera corposità dell'ostia in Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo.
Gesù Cristo, Light of the world, pray for us!

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Worship Eucharistic: 40 hours

E 'started today, the period of 40 hours of Eucharistic Adoration in our parish church of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Partanna Mondello. The parish priest, Father Amato, began the Eucharistic Adoration, with the altar full of greasepaint and lights, giving space to the essence of Jesus Light of the world ...
Wonderful prayer with songs and praises to Jesus in the Eucharist and adoration of Our Lord in body and spirit. Mass and blessing.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Song Quotes About Cancer

E 'dead Eluana

E 'dead Eluana.
And it 'sad with sorrow that we pray for her and her parents, who loved it so much, and despair have led to the event of death, that no Christian can accept and be resigned.

Heavenly Father, forgive them for they know not what they do! Amen

Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord, let perpetual light, rest in peace amen

Thursday, February 5, 2009

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prayer for Eluana

Let us all unite in prayer and reciting the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in honor and in love, Eluana , fighting for the right to live.

faithful and devoted all the Divine Mercy, let us unite in prayer to support Eluana the right to live.
sosteniamoci and support a community by relying on prayer and reciting the Divine Mercy Chaplet Sister Faustina us left as the prayer of salvation for those who are suffering.

It begins with the recitation of the Our Father, Hail Mary, and I think:

- large beads: Eternal Father, I offer the body, blood, soul and divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the world.

- Small grains: For his sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and the world, amen!

the end: Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, pray for us and for the whole world, amen!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Wella Conversion Chart

Message of January 25, 2009

"Dear children, today I call to prayer. May prayer for you as a seed and put it in my heart, which I will give to my son Jesus for the salvation of your souls.
like little children, that each of you fall in love with the eternal life that is your future and that all earthly things are a help to you to get closer to God the Creator.
I am with you for so long because you are on the wrong track. Only with my help, my children, open your eyes. There are many who understand that living my posts are on the path of holiness to eternity.
Thank you for having responded to my call. "

Queen of Peace, pray for us!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Monica Roccaforte Early

requested funding and implementing projects PARTANNA MONDELLO TO SAVE THE NEIGHBORHOOD BY FLOODS

" I think it is barbaric and unacceptable that the mud in certain areas of the City of Palermo, and particularly in the District Partanna Mondello, each storm takes possession of people's homes. This is a longstanding problem that persists despite the existence of projects that lie too long on the shelves of the many offices that would accept them. We must give the citizens of Partanna Mondello, who suffered moral and material damages, the peacefulness and serenity that you expect from the institutions. The population is exhausted, the projects are to solve the problem, it should be implemented. "
This is what he said and asked the President of the Region, the Prefect of Palermo, to the Regional Civil Protection, the Mayor of Palermo and all other competent authorities President of the Seventh District, Peter Gottuso, which called for funding for a project of the Municipal Civil Protection and presented by him after six months already.

Admin (of 26/09/2008 @ 15:08:41, in Politics,

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Partanna: charity dinner on Christmas Eve

Even On this occasion, as in many others, the Parish of Partanna Mondello proves active and sensitive to the needs of the weakest.

The parish priest, Don Vincenzo Amato, in fact, wants to communicate to the community "that on December 22, 2008 from approximately 17:00, there will be a" Charity Dinner " on the occasion of Christmas, "A Gesture of Solidarity" for humanitarian purposes, in the lunchroom of the Retirement Home for Elderly (ex ONPI) located in Civic Square Serenity 5, Partanna-Mondello, organized by volunteers of the local parish, which will prepare dishes to delight the palate of "our grandparents".

This initiative, like its predecessors, comes from a spirit of brotherhood in order to bring a word of hope and a smile to our Elders. Besides the dinner there will be a space dedicated to songs, dances and jokes from some participants with the distribution of certain gifts. The

24.12.2008 at 17.00, will be celebrated Mass of Christmas in the Chapel next to the nursing home. "With this," says the parish priest Don Vincenzo Amato, "I take this opportunity to invite you to participate in this event and I extend an affectionate greeting."

(Admin (of 19/12/2008 @ 06:24: 58, Events,

Saturday, January 17, 2009

How Much Does An Autostarter Cost?

Our Lady cries for too long

Message of January 28, 1987

"My dear children, I am coming to you to lead the purity of the soul, and thus to God But as you welcomed me? without beginning to believe, with fear and distrust of the guys that I chose. Then a majority of you welcomed me in suo cuore e ha incominciato a mettere in pratica le mie richieste materne.

Ma purtroppo questo non è durato a lungo. In qualunque luogo io vada, e con me mio Figlio, là mi raggiunge anche Satana.

Voi avete permesso, senza accorgervene, che prendesse il sopravvento in voi, che vi dominasse. Alcune volte capite che qualche vostro gesto non è permesso da Dio, ma rapidamente soffocate questo sentimento. Non cedete, figli miei!

Asciugate dal mio volto le lacrime che verso, osservando quello che fate.

Guardatevi intorno! Trovate il tempo per accostarvi a Dio in chiesa. Venite nella casa del Padre vostro. Trovate il tempo per riunirvi in famiglia e supplicare grazia da Dio. Ricordatevi dei vostri dead, give them joy in the celebration of mass. Do not look down on the poor who begs for a crust of bread. Do not Drive them out of your canteen full. Help him, and even God will help you. Perhaps the blessing that gives the poor as a thank you, you realize, maybe God is listening.

you, my children have forgotten all this. And this has also contributed to Satan. Do not give up! Pray with me! Do not fool yourself thinking: "I am good, but his brother is standing next to me is worth nothing." You would not be right. I, like your mother, I love you and therefore caution you. Here are the secrets, my children! We do not know what it is, but when you come to know, will be late! Return to prayer! Nothing is more important than it.

I wish the Lord would allow me to be clearer at least to some secrets, but they are already too many graces that we sell. Think about what you offer to Him

When you quit the last time something for the Lord? I will not reproach you further. Instead I would like to invite you again to prayer, fasting, penance. If you want to get fast with a grace from God, no one knows that fast. If a gift to a poor, want to get a grace from God that no one knows except you and the Lord.

Listen, my children in prayer and reflect on these my calls! "