Saturday, January 17, 2009

How Much Does An Autostarter Cost?

Our Lady cries for too long

Message of January 28, 1987

"My dear children, I am coming to you to lead the purity of the soul, and thus to God But as you welcomed me? without beginning to believe, with fear and distrust of the guys that I chose. Then a majority of you welcomed me in suo cuore e ha incominciato a mettere in pratica le mie richieste materne.

Ma purtroppo questo non è durato a lungo. In qualunque luogo io vada, e con me mio Figlio, là mi raggiunge anche Satana.

Voi avete permesso, senza accorgervene, che prendesse il sopravvento in voi, che vi dominasse. Alcune volte capite che qualche vostro gesto non è permesso da Dio, ma rapidamente soffocate questo sentimento. Non cedete, figli miei!

Asciugate dal mio volto le lacrime che verso, osservando quello che fate.

Guardatevi intorno! Trovate il tempo per accostarvi a Dio in chiesa. Venite nella casa del Padre vostro. Trovate il tempo per riunirvi in famiglia e supplicare grazia da Dio. Ricordatevi dei vostri dead, give them joy in the celebration of mass. Do not look down on the poor who begs for a crust of bread. Do not Drive them out of your canteen full. Help him, and even God will help you. Perhaps the blessing that gives the poor as a thank you, you realize, maybe God is listening.

you, my children have forgotten all this. And this has also contributed to Satan. Do not give up! Pray with me! Do not fool yourself thinking: "I am good, but his brother is standing next to me is worth nothing." You would not be right. I, like your mother, I love you and therefore caution you. Here are the secrets, my children! We do not know what it is, but when you come to know, will be late! Return to prayer! Nothing is more important than it.

I wish the Lord would allow me to be clearer at least to some secrets, but they are already too many graces that we sell. Think about what you offer to Him

When you quit the last time something for the Lord? I will not reproach you further. Instead I would like to invite you again to prayer, fasting, penance. If you want to get fast with a grace from God, no one knows that fast. If a gift to a poor, want to get a grace from God that no one knows except you and the Lord.

Listen, my children in prayer and reflect on these my calls! "


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