Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cover Letter For Culinary Art Course


To ask for the gift of peace
my God, teach me the secret to a lasting and stable peace, teach me to sort my inner harmony, so as to ensure the domination of the will and reason on all my feelings and all my actions, and above all teach them to submit to your will.
Teach me to trust in you, away from the turmoil and internal strife. Teach me to remain united to you, when I'm right when I am criticized or reprimanded severely and harshly, rooted in charity in order to maintain a humble and quiet firmness. Teach
to speak frankly my "Amen" released in the sufferings of body and soul in distress. Allow me to put my soul in you in the temptations that disturb and degrade.
Grant to keep patience, serenity and silence the contradictions, the insults and defamation. Grant was not afraid of difficulties, contradictions, struggles, which I did not complain, do not whisper, and in all these setbacks mix a bit 'of your love. What I do not exacerbate
before the violence and the intrusiveness of others, and bear with the balance discontent and anger. In silence and hope to acquire this power, this control of my soul, I fixed irremovability nella pace.


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