Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Master Volume Dialog Box

Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Recitiamo insieme la Coroncina della Divina Misericordia, che a partire dalle ore 15 del pomeriggio, santifica tutte le anime alla Misericordia Divina di NS Gesù Cristo.
Tutti coloro che la reciteranno saranno salvati e aiutati nel cammino della conversione.

Per la recita di questa coroncina Mi piace concedere tutto cio' che Mi chiederanno.


1) Chiunque reciterà la Coroncina alla Divina Misericordia otterrà tanta misericordia nell'ora della morte - cioè la grazia the conversion and death in a state of grace - even if it were a sinner most hardened and recitation once ... ....( Notebooks, II, 122)

2) When will be recited by the dying, I will stand between the Father and the dying soul, not as just Judge but as the Savior promised misericordioso.Gesù the grace of conversion and forgiveness of sins of the dying as a result of the recitation of the Chaplet on the part of those dying or the other (... Quaderni, II , 204 to 205)

3) All the souls who adore My mercy, and recite the chaplet at the hour of death will not be afraid. My mercy will protect them in that last fight (Notebooks ... V, 124).

Since these three promises are very large and cover the decisive moment of our destiny, Jesus directed his priests to advise an appeal for sinners to the recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy as a last hope of salvation.

With it you will get all, if what you ask is in accordance with My will.

Time of Mercy

October 1937 in Krakow, in unspecified circumstances by Sister Faustina, Jesus has recommended to honor the time of his death, which he called "an hour of great mercy for the whole world "(Q. IV p. 440). "In that hour - he said later - the whole world was made grace, mercy, justice won "(Diary, p.. 517).

to Sister Faustina, Jesus taught how to celebrate the hour of mercy and recommended:

plead mercy of God throughout the world, especially for sinners;
plot his passion, especially when the agony and the abandonment in that case promised the grace of understanding of its value.
particularly recommend "in hour trying to do the Stations of the Cross, if your schedule allows, and if you can not enter the Way of the Cross in the chapel for a moment and honor in my heart is full Sacramento mercy. And if you can not go to chapel, gathered in prayer at least for a brief moment where you are "(Diary, p.. 517).
Jesus pointed out three conditions required for the prayers to be answered at that hour: the

Prayer should be directed to Jesus and should take place at three in the afternoon;
must relate to the merits of His sorrowful passion.
"In that hour - Jesus says - do not refuse anything that I pray for the soul My Passion" ( Q IV, p.. 440). We must add that the intention of the prayer should be in accordance with the Will of God and prayer must be confident, consistent and united the active practice of charity toward the neighbor, the condition of all forms of worship of Divine Mercy

Jesus Santa Maria Faustina Kowalska

Pray the Rosary.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, I think. On

grains of the Our Father is said

Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the world whole.

On the Hail Mary beads is said:

For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and the world.

the end it says three times:

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us and the world.

ends with the invocation

O Blood and Water, which flows from the Heart of Jesus as the source of mercy for us, I trust in You

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


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