Friday, January 28, 2011

Comfortable In The Buff

Bearcity: Ecco i sottotitoli in italiano

"Hi, furry creatures. I come in peace. Grrr ... Woof! "

E 'was the film event for the gay community in New York in 2010. An unexpected bang planet. A sudden hairy. The film Bearcity , directed by Douglas Langway and produced by TLA Releasing, which already have titles like "Another Gay Movie , having dug out on the U.S. scene, was premiered at the European Theatre of Living in Bologna in June 2010 on the occasion of World Day of pride, gay, lesbian, transsexual and transgender people. A film that is difficult for several reasons we will see in Italy outside of the LGBT festivals. It 's the film's flag Bear culture, perhaps the first ever to be set entirely within the community and thematically ursi U.S. and propose to stage tics, anxieties, fetishes and contradictions. By its model that has made the series Sex and the City , Douglas Langway's film is a romantic comedy that follows the adventures of a group of friends, bears and hunters, dealing with heart problems, and demented erotic business, all narrated by strong characterizations, often irreverent, which make a clean sweep of a long series of threadbare cliches now. It seems that Lawrence Ferber, who won with Bearcity all'Outfest Los Angeles in 2010 for best screenplay, has said that he was inspired in the memories of his life and experiences they had as protagonists of his friends. Bearcity ( "romance can be hairy , reads the tag of the film) is in fact a nice carousel of typical situations, the common embarrassment and enthusiasm, and tries to represent the mark the way to the Bear ' self-acceptance, including the search for and complicity with those important for every human being.

course, one can say without problems che Bearcity non è Cachorro , se ne allontana, anzi, di anni luce. Non dispone dei medesimi contenuti sociali, e non si sforza di dimostrare alcuna tesi di interesse politico. Ad ogni modo, l’accostamento tra le due pellicole sarebbe superficiale per non dire inutile. L’intento di Bearcity è puramente agiografico, illustrativo di una comunità raccontata con il gusto del paradosso, ricorrendo a volte a toni anche un po’ fiabeschi. Non a caso, l’occhio con cui lo spettatore è chiamato a identificarsi non è un peloso orsone, ma Tyler (il quasi esordiente Joe Conti), un giovane cacciatore che si insinua nella comunità Bear con la stessa incantata innocence of Alice explores her wonderland. Cachorro was a didactic film, aimed at demonstrating the ability of a single and promiscuous homosexual parenting, and its setting in the community of Madrid ursi was incidental, but not indispensable to the story. Themes pregnant Miguel Albaladejo's film could have been expressed with the same force but represented in a gay individual style. Bearcity , however, in its lightness of comedy (a bit 'crazy, a little' sentimental) is a totally different. Bears, their rallies, their jargon and their hairy eros are diegetic, and the story could not make it at least not turn into something else. A movie poster, therefore, praise the diversity of diversity, which is indeed bears the emblem of the difference.

It 's interesting to note that Bearcity be released almost simultaneously with the recent controversy over American Bear community, accused by some to be a unique lodge, based on the cult of obtuse virility rigidly opposed to the gay mainstream. From this point of view, the films of Douglas Langway has the advantage of describing a scenario as less jagged, which rise above the variety and the strong connotations of wildlife camp ursi U.S.. Of course, the lightness of the film causes some loss of tone. Some psychological dynamics are narrated in the most basic of ways, and some plain simplistic summary of the plot would work in a video clip. However, one must not forget that the film was conceived by the bears, for bears and for customs clearance at the mythology of those who still see them as creatures far and a bit 'alien. Okay, the end result, beyond the overall liking, has some flaws, and makes us ask if you could not expect anything more. At the same time, however, the vision of Bearcity bonus and opens the hearts of those who look fondly to the world Bear and their way of relating.

The choice of a tight-knit crew of actors, most openly gay life, gives truth to a network at the same time, collegiate and delicate, presenting a series of iconic characters and altogether credible. Gerald McCullouch (the best known face of the film due to its presence in the cast of TV serial CSI: Crime Scene ) creates a deliciously perverse characterization for the character of Roger: daddy mature libertine clinging to his life, but vulnerable to the lure of a love that could be unexpected change his perception of himself and others. The charming actor Gregory Gunter (Michael) embodies (literally) the chubby is experiencing a deep existential crisis after losing her job, and his performance gives the viewer a few moments of genuine emotion. Valid proof for the good Brian Keane and Stephen Guarino, a pair of irresistible Muppets tempted to open up to new sexual experiences. Colorful characters that run on a carousel of hours sentimental grotesque situation now, and seem to want to teach that the real key to the happiness of a couple is the ability to laugh together, even before the most embarrassing situations.

Foxy directing the choice of changing the physical types of characters (and actors) introduced in the story, showing scene after scene, beyond the label of convenience, so watertight compartments in the environment Bear does not exist. There are individuals, with their narcissism, their capacity to love, to be free and escape. Actor Joe Conti (Tyler) are already showing in the headlines throughout his youthful good looks just to make inroads into the hearts of gay men from more traditional tastes, but only to turn right after a brazen Virgil, and to open the doors to the infamous reign of hair and bellies. Alex Di Dio (Simon), in the role of his life, can be annoying and funny at the same time, and represents the eye of the alien young gay Orthodox orsofile puzzled by the trends of his best friend. The interpretation of Alex, so over the top, it can wear down the nerves of those who hates stereotypes about homosexuality, but the character of Simon is likely to remain in memory as the largest of the fairies in a fashion never seen gay themed movies. The cast of characters plus a host of supporting actors recruited ursini bear on the real New York scene. Unleashed an army of bears of all ages and style that draw, with their hairy bodies, the most evocative and relevant the sets. Of note, almost like a signature, the cameo after the credits, former porn performer Joe Falconi, now active in the struggle for LGBT rights and AIDS prevention. Almost indispensable presence in the films produced by the TLA.

Speaking subtitle: it was not easy to translate into Italian a tight dialogue of the film. New York slang, fast and allusive, is more seasoned with irreverent slang gay bear, a dragon is hard to be harnessed, and in some scenes even won him, forcing us to some compromise. English (U.S.) is perhaps the only language in the world where a word can be either a name commonly given to that person masculine attributes, and the film bears do not scruple to use frequent puns are not always translatable into our language. The company is however sfangata, and now the subtitles Bearcity are a reality. You can directly download the sub file from this link: Bearcity Sub ITA . But there are also , as those for Cachorro , Chuecatown and Condom Murderess , fruits of our previous work amateur translation. It will not be everything perfect, but it's a start for Bearcity can be seen and understood in its nuances, including from a public unaccustomed to follow the Italian film in the original language.

As we said, a movie-poster that speaks to us Orsi, without pretending to teach us anything, but possibly to clear emotions and icons of gay culture is still perceived by many as something odd or even by exclusion. Romantic, alluring sparing some scenes of explicit sex (remember one in particular, with the proper proportions, the compulsions erotic cartoon described by Stanley Kubrick in Orange Mechanical ) Bearcity will not be a completely successful film, but it certainly deserves to be seen. It 's the first movie themed environment truly Bear, who uses language and symbols so far underwater in many LGBT-themed films. And for those who work, bears and orsofili, is a real treat to see them finally explode on the screen. It 'possible that a greater ability to dare, and go beyond the mechanics of comedy hollywooddiana, would make the leg stronger. Perhaps, with a formal structure mediated by Sex and the City, a television series would be the right choice (although riskier) to illustrate this slice of life Ursi. But the fact that in America you're already talking about Bearcity 2, gives us hope that everything is just begun, we can go beyond the mere celebration of scratch category and more. We wish great things for our teddy celluloid hairy newborn baby. We would, in short, to see him grow up and breaking things. But meanwhile, here, was born. And this is a cause for celebration. Maybe a toast with a glass of ... Soiled underwear, Randy served as the unlikely cocktail barman in the nightclub ursi hottest New York. Who does not know the Bears, with Bearcity going to meet them, and maybe (why not ?)... fall in love with them. Woof!


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