Sunday, August 22, 2010

Problem With Dvd On Matsui Tv

Granarolo is in pole position in C Regional C

More than a C2 is a C1. From the national to the regional championship took to so many, from the Persians at Sciarabba by Pasquini at Pallotti, and even a company like Trebbo was 'self-demoted', the emblematic case of the different costs of membership, travel and expense management.

waiting to learn how to develop the second phase of the league, we start with the group and Granarolo Emilia, one of the favorites. As he had said in June the president Tugnoli has not applied the repechage and wants to win on the field. "Our goal is do a good league, I say to improve the result of a year ago because it is almost impossible. The team was built to do well, especially during long we have strengthened a lot, but the value of the enemy we'll find out then, "is hiding Tugnoli, which closed the market confirming Bertacchi, after inserting two crack for the category as' Jack 'Noferini from Imola and Pasquini, from the B Budrio. The products of the youth will find ample space in the satellite team in D. The

Pontevecchio in a hurry to clear the last bad season and meets tomorrow. Where do we leave? From a roster revolutionized and heart grenade: Flavio Rota, the return of fratelli Federico e Leonardo Menarini e di coach Bazzi. “Il primo obiettivo che mi ha dato la società – spiega Bazzi – è di costruire una squadra con ragazzi motivati e possibilmente che avessero precedenti in società. ‘Fede’ e ‘Leo’ li ho allenati per quattro anni qui nelle giovanili. Se sono tornati non è per motivi sentimentali ma perché c’è un progetto e loro saranno tra i protagonisti della stagione, come Rota. Puntiamo a salvarci il prima possibile”. E, in questa direzione, gli innesti di Trombetti, di Matteo Ansaloni e di ‘Gnotto’ Parenti da Lugo rappresentano una bella garanzia.

Ad Altedo il diesse Piana medita l’ultimo colpo: “Speravo to close with Philip Govi \u200b\u200band instead we are still looking for a under. Our goal is to improve the league last season, when we stopped in the first round of the playoffs. " In the control room will operate two young men, both in the first year Altedo: Nannoni and Buscemi. "At first we could have problems, but I hope we do as Quaiotto last year, which has exploded in the second round. Yes, we can say that it is a gamble, like Ballardini (Granarolo ed): our race will be a team. "

Trebbo also will point to the playoffs. The first points of the roster is confirmed and the expert Zucchini Pallotti, who returned after the good Murri seasons at Castiglione. Coach Roveri is loaded for the rally on Wednesday. "I can not wait to compete in this experience. The company has not set targets but the team is good and we can get in the top four of the group. Folesani Pallotti and will be the two leaders of the group, among the new faces eye Guidotti, who Piumazzo in D has done a very good year, and play Piccinini, from which I expect continuity. "

In the next episode we'll take care of the fifth round of Bologna, namely the Cheetah, and the three formations of the B group: Bsl San Lazzaro, Flying Balls Ozzano Medicine and Virtus.

part in the second weekend in October the season. The first phase of the maximum regional championship will conclude Saturday, March 5, 2011.

grouped into two groups: the A are also Arbor, Nazareno Carpi, Modena PSA, Cheetah, Arena Montecchio Roveleto, Guercino and New Basketball Este.

Altedo: Nannoni, Quaiotto, Barbieri, Trade, Sciarabba. Herds Cavicchioli.
Granarolo: Piccinini, Zironi, Noferini, Ferri, Pasquini. Herds Trevisan.
Pontevecchio: F. Menarini, Lodi, Trombley, Ansah, Parenti. Herds Bazzi.
Trebbo: Persians, Zucchini, Guidotti, bagpipes, Pallotti. Herds Roveri.

Il Resto del Carlino - Sunday, August 22, 2010


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