Saturday, June 26, 2010

Heavy Cm After Ovulation

Manuel Cesari won the Italian championships. Twice. Fabio Pasquini Budrio

Manuel Cesari and success after another: If the freestyler until recently mainly sanlazzarese received applause from a year now doing full titles. The last, indeed the last arrived in the Italian championships last weekend of frisbee freestyle organized by Fifd in Forli. Together with Andrea inseparable 'Ali' Poli and Mark Meadows, Caesars won first place in the special Co-op, performing at the sound of Nirvana and Pearl Jam and confirming won the Italian title in 2009. Other music, same result in the Open: Jackson accompanied the routine of the Caesars and Clay anger, which were classified first measurement with a rating of 45.31 against 45.30 of the pair composed by Fabio Sanna, world champion, and the outstanding Claudio Cigna. "In addition to confirming the Co-op, the victory coupled with Clay was a great soddisfazione perché già dopo pochi mesi di allenamento abbiamo trovato il giusto feeling in pedana e siamo riusciti a battere per la seconda volta quest’anno la coppia più temuta d’Italia”, spiega Cesari, laureatosi due volte campione italiano in un solo weekend. Il successo nella specialità a tre, quella che richiede un affiatamento maggiore, ha sempre un sapore particolare. “Al pubblico – racconta – abbiamo offerto una coreografia molto bella, con una routine ben studiata ma che prevede anche momenti di fantasia e improvvisazione negli esercizi singoli. Vincere con ‘Alì’, il mio compagno storico, è sempre qualcosa di speciale. Riuscirci, poi, davanti a tanta gente, ricevendo even the applause of the boys last and further satisfaction. " The dream of the pioneers of freestyle frisbee in Bologna, though, are the World Cup to be held in August in Seattle. First, however, there are Europeans, scheduled in two weeks in Stockholm. Caesars has already placed first last year, and from there to the end of 2009 then won tournaments this year in Cologne and Forli and Rome, Bibione and Rimini, in the prestigious Paganello. "Now - sure - I think the Europeans, then we see."

Il Resto del Carlino - Thursday, May 26, 2010


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