Saturday, June 26, 2010

Heavy Cm After Ovulation

Manuel Cesari won the Italian championships. Twice. Fabio Pasquini Budrio

Manuel Cesari and success after another: If the freestyler until recently mainly sanlazzarese received applause from a year now doing full titles. The last, indeed the last arrived in the Italian championships last weekend of frisbee freestyle organized by Fifd in Forli. Together with Andrea inseparable 'Ali' Poli and Mark Meadows, Caesars won first place in the special Co-op, performing at the sound of Nirvana and Pearl Jam and confirming won the Italian title in 2009. Other music, same result in the Open: Jackson accompanied the routine of the Caesars and Clay anger, which were classified first measurement with a rating of 45.31 against 45.30 of the pair composed by Fabio Sanna, world champion, and the outstanding Claudio Cigna. "In addition to confirming the Co-op, the victory coupled with Clay was a great soddisfazione perché già dopo pochi mesi di allenamento abbiamo trovato il giusto feeling in pedana e siamo riusciti a battere per la seconda volta quest’anno la coppia più temuta d’Italia”, spiega Cesari, laureatosi due volte campione italiano in un solo weekend. Il successo nella specialità a tre, quella che richiede un affiatamento maggiore, ha sempre un sapore particolare. “Al pubblico – racconta – abbiamo offerto una coreografia molto bella, con una routine ben studiata ma che prevede anche momenti di fantasia e improvvisazione negli esercizi singoli. Vincere con ‘Alì’, il mio compagno storico, è sempre qualcosa di speciale. Riuscirci, poi, davanti a tanta gente, ricevendo even the applause of the boys last and further satisfaction. " The dream of the pioneers of freestyle frisbee in Bologna, though, are the World Cup to be held in August in Seattle. First, however, there are Europeans, scheduled in two weeks in Stockholm. Caesars has already placed first last year, and from there to the end of 2009 then won tournaments this year in Cologne and Forli and Rome, Bibione and Rimini, in the prestigious Paganello. "Now - sure - I think the Europeans, then we see."

Il Resto del Carlino - Thursday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Looking For Mandingo Party

salutes after four seasons

As mentioned in previous weeks next season Fabio Pasquini no longer in Budrio. After four seasons in the top gialloblù with a yield increasing year after year, 'Easter' for study and work will come to class and will Granarolo, in region C, where, however, reach the former teammate and role Stefano Zampiga.

Fabio, if you want to take stock of four years Budrio ...
"From the sporting point of view in these four years have grown considerably thanks to the coaches and especially to a company there, waiting for you and you can give the right incentives when needed. I was four years because in this group I found myself wonder. Boys are more team-mates and friends who continue a sentirci anche se non saremo più in campo assieme".

Quali sono i ricordi più belli?
"Sicuramente la promozione dell'anno scorso (vedi foto), ma anche la festa con i tifosi a Milano dopo la vittoria della Coppa Italia la ricordo con molto piacere".

Il prossimo anno verrai a vedere qualche partita?
"Certo. Poi l'anno prossimo giocherò le gare in casa il sabato, per cui ci vedremo al PalaMarani".

Prossimamente spazio anche agli altri partenti Marco Rorato e a Michele Bazzi, più a Luca Cinti, nuovo vice di Giuliani.

Without Underwear To School

Studio 4, is double: B Cup and promotion in

Lo Studio 4, alla fine, ce l’ha fatta to promote the dream come true. Saturday, the field of PalaVascoDeGama friend, the formation of the President Jordan Sandoni passed 3-1 of the Ligurian St. Vincent (9-2 first leg) in return for the final playoff and the resulting jump in class: next year Study 4 will play in the national championship series B, the third Italian series. After the bitterness suffered during the regular season - second place at just one point behind leaders Real Casagrandese detachment - the boys of Mr. Fiorentini have had to tuck the sleeves further. Long and full of pitfalls, the road in the playoffs: the Firm has eliminated the 4 Montanari (7-5 \u200b\u200band 6-3), then the Ass. Club Castel San Pietro (3-0 and 1-1), then on the national stage, won 8-3 against Montegranaro to 1-0 with Juventus fans and of Nursia in Umbria. Then the five goals of striker Matthew Munari in the final round in Genoa with the St. Vincent paved the way for promotion. Miramari Captain and his companions, who won the Cup Emilia Romagna, celebrated their second season goal: to double, at Studio 4.

Il Resto del Carlino - Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

How Much Electricity Does A 1500w Spaceheater Use

Helmets Four in Bologna in July, the Blue Team in the field

In less than a month Bologna will host the Four Helmets - Mediterranean Cup, international football tournament for nations. The next 15, 16 and 17 July, the Blue Team, the Italian representative, will impegnata nella prima edizione di questa manifestazione che vedrà la partecipazione di Slovenia – nazionale molto giovane come quella tricolore, Turchia – che può contare su molti atleti che giocano nel campionato tedesco – e di una formazione universitaria statunitense, Team Eagle. Il teatro dell’evento sarà, ovviamente, il centro sportivo ‘Bernardi’ di Bologna e la Federazione Italiana Di American Football, organizzatrice dell’evento, si potrà avvalere della collaudata macchina organizzativa dei Guerrieri. Nella lista dei giocatori convocati dal ct Brock Olivo figurano ben otto atleti che nell’ultima stagione hanno militato nelle fila dei Warriors Bologna: Simone Bernardoni, Giacomo Berti, Domenico Carroli, Fabrizio Chiappini, Francesco Fanti, Forlai Federico, Francesco Giuliani, Christian Noble, the most Beneficent and Andrea Mattia Parlangeli in the list 'injured reserve'.

Thanks to the joint auspices of the Bologna Province, Municipality and District St Stephen 'Bernardi' is under redesign and will be played in a field 100 yards from the official. Thursday, July 15 (18 hours) will stage the opening match that will see the work the Blue Team, while the second semi-final will be the next day with a kick-off at 21, the finals Saturday at 16 and 21. At the headquarters of CONI Saturday, June 26th in Bologna will host the official presentation of the event and will made the pairings for the semifinals. Alongside the landlord Renato Rizzoli will be the president of FIDAF, Leoluca Orlando, and who knows what during the presentation of the Four Helmets there is no news regarding the entry of FIDAF - Observatory for nearly two years - in cones.

Il Resto del Carlino - Monday, June 21, 2010