Saturday, November 15, 2008

Top 20 Endangered Species

Dear / darling, we are a group of friends, clergy and laity of our Church Palermo eager di ritrovarsi per crescere nella fedeltà al Vangelo e all'uomo del nostro tempo. L'esperienza dei Dialoghi dal Concilio, da noi fatta fino al 2007, ci ha convinti della necessità di continuare, nello spirito del Vaticano II, ad aiutarci a decifrare il tempo in cui viviamo per un annunzio credibile del Vangelo.
Importante, a tal proposito, è il documento dei Vescovi italiani cha ha fatto seguito al convegno di Verona, in cui viene delineato l'indirizzo pastorale da attuare nei prossimi anni. Significative sono anche le iniziative della nostra Chiesa locale (con la riflessione comune dei consigli presbiterale e pastorale e, più recentemente, con i laboratori pastorali), che hanno permesso un inizio di confronto tra ministri ordinati e laity.
Relevant for us is to be the Church: the approval of an identity as a people of God living a church such as to create transparency evangelization. But equally important is the relationship of this Church with society today, with the city through profound and continuous change.
We believe it is the duty of all, as one asks you the document of the Italian bishops, and put on co-responsibility not only to offer some collaboration.
This involves an initiative that starts from the Christian people.
To this end, we want to encourage other brothers and sisters to question and analyze and propose solutions on a pastoral action, "which recognizes and valuing diversity in the common path of service to the fulfillment of God's kingdom
Our intent is to provide a space for encounter, reflection, sharing of ideas and initiatives for growth, both personal and community . While
affectionately salute you, we give you an appointment for an initial conversation to take place:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 21 (until 22:30)
in the Church of St. Francis Xavier all'Albergheria
(Zone Course Tukory - Palermo)
will introduce Don Francesco Mach and Dr Teresa Passarello

Joseph Barbera, Nino bogus father, Don Rosario downward, Thomas Impellitteri, Don Francesco Mach Passarello Teresa, Teresa Restivo, Don Cosimo Scordato, Don Francesco Michele Stabile, Don Anthony Zito

We are waiting, you can listen and comment ....


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