Monday, November 29, 2010

Table Showers Atlanta

Mia and Migou
a cartoon on the side of the trees.

Yet another French film that sees the trees as protagonists, this time an animated film set in the forest Amazon. will be released Friday, December 3, 2010, fact, in Italian cinemas "Mia et le Migou " an animated film made in 2008 by French director and producer Jacques Remy Girerd , founder of studies Folimage , found in Bourg-Les Valences in southern France in the department of Drome, specializing in the creation of animated cartoons using the technique "image by image." Second feature of the studios, "Mia and Migou" that the Italian title (in France but will be released on 15 Last December, the studios' feature film called "Une vie de chat") has received in the 2009 European Film Academy Award for best animated film. The film, made with a spirit and ecological protection of the trees, tells the story of Mia, a little girl of ten years, which, in the throes of a hunch, decided to leave his native village somewhere in South America and go in search of his father. This latter work in a giant construction site that is transforming a piece of tropical forest in a luxury hotel complex. The road to find his father will be long and Mia will have to cross a mountain surrounded by an enigmatic forest populated by mysterious creatures. Following the trailer and link to official web site, have fun on the side of the trees.

Mia et le Migou

Monday, November 22, 2010

Bottomless Pool Party

Grand Tour through the trees
Stanford University
Located between San Francisco and San Jose, near the city of Palo Alto, Stanford University is the scientific and academic heart of Silicon Valley. E 'and ordered its campus dotted with palm trees that left the people and technology that have allowed Google and Yahoo , a technology that seems to be perfectly applied to the beautiful Encyclopedia of trees shrubs and vines , posting in this article. The encyclopedia "Trees of Stanford " is extracted from the book "Trees of Stanford and Environs " written by the botanist Ron Bracewell at Stanford Historical Society. Accompanied by pictures and gallery very scrupulous and careful, which are based on photos of herbaria (remarkable is the collection of cards devoted to eucalyptus) its consultation is an opportunity to learn about and get lost in the beauty of hundreds of trees that live in America. So if you're ready to start this virtual journey to discover the trees of California, just click on the text below and then select Encyclopedia of Trees, Shrubs, and Vines . Enjoy your trip!

trees Stanford

PS tabs dedicated to Michelia is written the name of this tree comes from the Italian botanist Pietro Mechel (1670 - 1737) while we know (since it is one of our favorite botanical) that the correct name is Pier Antonio Micheli and his birth year is 1679 . If anyone can point out the typo, the authors (perhaps with a mail) may be happy to make this correction, to the benefit of Italy, the Italian botanists and culture of trees.

In the picture of a bronze Auguste Rodin which is in the Cantor Arts Center of Stanford Univerity

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Food Exchange For Almonds

Today is the feast of
all the trees of Italy.

Here we are finally on the day (the first edition with a different name) Tree National Day, a celebration that will see today and tomorrow planting thousands of trees across Italy. A festival dedicated to our friends the trees, plants living beings, that every day we dispense oxygen, shade, beauty and culture. A party on the rise (a small seed planted) that will certainly be open to further improvements in the next few years (we have already talked about this in a previous post). An appointment and an opportunity to focus our attention, often distracted by other stimuli and thoughts, trees, to touch them, hug them (if not We've never done this before) or simply look up the top and watch them for a moment and realize their silent presence. Good National Tree Day for all.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Patternsausage Dogdraught Excluder

Friday, November 19, 2010
5 Roma Via della Greca
Friday, November 19, 2010 at 17 at the premises of the first Town Hall in Rome for the Feast of the Tree, promoted by Legambiente throughout Italy, will host the event "ARBOR" , a multimedia event dedicato agli alberi e alla cultura degli alberi . Organizzata da Associazione Il Cuore , dall' Associazione Arte Italiana e dall' Associazione Aci & Galate a l'intento di "ARBOR" " è quello di offrire spunti di riflessione sull'albero, con valenze simboliche ed ecologiche nella cultura umana carica di significati, di metafore, di allegorie. e proporre al pubblico un approfondimento della relazione cultura-natura da un punto di vista etico, filosofico ecologico, attraverso una consapevolezza artistica e scientifica . L'evento è a partecipazione gratuita e prevede : una mostra d'arte , la conferenza "L'albero nel vissuto umano" e subito dopo a seguire il concerto " Vox arboris".

Promosso e sostenuto da
Municipio Roma centro Storico - Politiche Culturali
Comune di Roma - Vice Presidenza Consiglio Comunale
Mostra a cura di Maurizio Calvesi
Progetto ideato da Marco Calì Zucconi

ore 17.00
Mostra d'Arte:
Inaugurazione alla presenza del Critico Maurizio Calvesi , della Delegata alle Politiche Culturali del Municipio Roma Centro Storico Anna Lisa Secchi e del Vicepresidente del Consiglio Comunale Mirko Coratti.
Artisti invitati: Marco Calì Zucconi , Teresa Coratella , Alessandra Giovannoni , Serge Ubertì .
ore 17.30
" L'albero nel vissuto umano"

Saluti istituzionali : Anna Lisa Secchi , Mirko Coratti .
Relatori :
Lorenzo Parlati (Presidente Legambiente Lazio)
Fulco Pratesi (Presidente onorario WWF)
Maurizio Calvesi ( Critico d'arte)
Giuseppe Barbera (Università Palermo, Dipartimento Colture Arboree)
Marco Gisotti (Direttore Modus vivendi)
Antimo Palumbo (Storico degli alberi)
Salvatore G.B. Grimaldi (Direttore Ass. Aci&Galatea)
Marco Calì Zucconi (Presidente Ass. Il Cuore).
ore 19.45
Chamber Concert
Vox arboris "
by Sauro Berti and Ignacio Martin Ceballo Orchestra del Teatro dell'Opera di Roma.