Sunday, September 5, 2010

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excellent debut September 20 Regional

After the summer break, the organizers of the youth and is divided in two weeks to reach full capacity. The first to begin, and could not be otherwise, the Under 19 boys were coached by Beppe Excellence Calandriello, head of the youth sector. Yesterday, the Regional Committee of the FIP has published the provisional timetable and the debut is scheduled for Monday, September 20 (21 hours) on the field dell'Andrea Costa Imola. The first game between the walls will be friends after three days, Thursday 23 (20.30) against Basketball Club Ferrara stadiums of Medicine. Continues, in fact, collaboration with both the company and with Castenaso Medicines, which has in its ranks in the first team C Regional certain products of the youth of Budrio.

The other formations are badged Basketball Budrio Excellence Under 17, Under- 14 Elite el'Under 13. The Under 17 team will be led by Andrea Castelli as a guarantee and even in this case, of course, the workforce will be composed of the best elements of Budrio, Castenaso and Medicine. During the week just ended activities they have taken even the Under-14, which will participate in the Elite League, and Under 13 Hector sugars. Beginners, eagles and other groups of mini-gym will return shortly, among them there are also many children who have experienced basketball this past spring, thanks to the free recruitment for primary school pupils in Budrio.

So let the girls Basketball Bologna, with the first team C-series which has already gathered under the orders of Roberto confermatissimo Bacchilega. The main innovation concerns the collaboration of medicine while in the juvenile girls were found Monday in the Under 14 coach 30 with Federica Pelloni. The First Division Basketball Budrio '65, coached by Stefano Donini, started athletic training. We report with pleasure the presence of physical trainer Renato Carone the FRF (draft national qualification) for players born in 1996 being held these days in Roccaporena in the province of Perugia. Finally, to Friday, September 10 PalaMarani Budrio will hold a regional meeting organized by the CNA to illustrate the new technical provisions in force since July 1.

Saturday, September 4, 2010 -

Do Feet Swell In All Colitis

C: Cheetah, Bsl, Virtus Medicine and Flying Balls

Bsl: Gianasi, Lollini, Smith, D. Binassi, Brandoli. Herds Bettazzi.
Flying Balls: Grillini, Urban, Singer, Nanni, Risi. Herds Govoni.
Ghepard: Burnelli, Bendini, Evangelists, Barbieri, Gay. Herds Corsini-Rossi. Virtus
Medicine: Giovannini, Mint, Tarquinio, Caprara, Blacks. Herds Millina.

The first names that will strike are those of Gay and Parzenski, 2.09 first, 2.07 second. The Polish national brought to Italy by Virtus is one of the new category, and direbbe solo di passaggio: giusto il tempo di far volare Ozzano. Dan, invece, è una colonne portanti della Ghepard. E partiamo, o meglio finiamo, il girone A proprio con la matricola allenata da Bruno Corsini e ‘Pigi’ Rossi, che non ha cambiato assetto nonostante il salto di categoria. In attesa della guardia che prenderà il posto di Ziron, la stagione prenderà il via martedì 31 con il raduno. “Abbiamo un grandissimo entusiasmo e mettiamo tutto su quel piano: speriamo che questo fattore ci premi come l’anno scorso. La C2 è un premio ma anche uno sforzo a livello economico e ci siamo tutti autotassati. Ci consideriamo dei bucanieri e partiamo senza alcuna velleità, perchè non possiamo permetterci voli pindarici: l’obiettivo è la salvezza”, è realista coach Corsini. Dalla panchina saliranno Riccioni, Tugnoli, i fratelli Aldieri e Dovesi.

Passando al girone B, la Bsl parte con ben altre ambizioni. L’innesto di Matteo Gianasi – 12 punti di media l’anno scorso al Castiglione Murri, in C Dilettanti – a un gruppo collaudato rappresenta una garanzia non da poco. “Non ci nascondiamo: la squadra era già buona e abbiamo inserito Gianasi. Non conosco tutte le altre formazioni, ma è nostra intenzione salire di categoria”, parla l’altro volto nuovo, coach Bettazzi (ex Massa). In quintetto partirà il classe ’91 Riccardo Rossi, mentre dalla panchina saliranno Verardi e two other young boys. "In San Lazzaro is a strong vocation for young people and our kids have quality, so you can risk. But we do not hide .... "

The Flying Balls, which have reached an agreement for collaboration with Virtus for the mini-center, look to the future. "We want to consolidate our reality and Ozzano Monterenzio - says the president Cuzzani - and we interested in doing a good league to get into the playoffs, but we do not have the desire to go to class." Parzenski will rise from the bench, Nicolas Gianasi, Terenzi, Polombito and Lokar. "Mark, our guiding light: much will also depend on him. Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 organize the fourth edition of the 'Memorial Bonny' we deal with Bsl, Altedo and Granarolo.

Last but not least, Medicine, which shares with so many new faces to the orders of Piero Millina. Over all, the Mint and Tarquin, but the star is still the steel Caprara. "We hope to repeat the good season last year - is the wish of Diesse Galetti - in which we have had positive responses in the results and the work we are doing. Millina can count on young people came from Budrio: with commitment and desire to listen to young people who think like Piazza, the Philippines and Manini can grow individually and also makes it very useful. "

Il Resto del Carlino - Friday, August 27, 2010