Friday, March 20, 2009

Grey Suit What Colour Shirt And Tie


San Benedetto da Norcia (Norcia, 480 circa – monastero di Montecassino, 547 circa) รจ stato un monaco e santo italiano, fondatore dell'ordine dei Benedettini. Viene venerato da tutte le chiese cristiane che riconoscono il culto dei santi.
San Benedetto da Norcia, fratello gemello di Santa Scolastica, nacque il 12 settembre 480 d.C., in un'agiata famiglia romana. Eutropio Anicio, il padre, era Capitano Generale dei romani nella regione di Norcia, mentre la madre era Claudia Abondantia Reguardati, contessa di Norcia. ORAZIONE A SAN BENEDETTO
San Benedetto, ti sei interamente donato a Dio e hai vissuto solo per lui. Con il tuo esempio, la tua fede e il tuo amore for God, you raised many generous souls in the ideal of monastic life. Father of monks, have you sent your children the joy of living in prayer, contemplation and community life for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. For the sanctity of your soul and your openness to the Spirit of Love, you opposed the power of Satan to snatch the souls that he wanted to lose for eternity. Father Benedict, intercede for us with God, because it attracts all the souls like you wish to live in fidelity to the Gospel. San Benedetto, defend us against the evil one who tries to mislead us from the path that leads to God: the path of goodness, love and eternal happiness. Protect us against the wiles of the enemy, Save us from his snares, make us strong in front of the temptation and cared for when the hour of our death. San Benedetto, chosen by God away from us the evil powers, destroys all kinds of evil and teach us to keep the peace in every moment of the heart. Amen.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Maternity Pads - Kotex



be recited in one piece for three days in a row from March 16 or April 28 or whenever you want to express their devotion to the saint or ask some special grace

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen

O God come to my

Lord make haste to help me!



O St. Joseph, my protector, to thee, that I get from the Sacred Heart of Jesus this grace. For my sins, I do not deserve to be heard. Makes up for my shortcomings and powerful as you are, is' produced by your pious intercession the graces we so long, I can come to your feet to make the homage of my gratitude.


Do not forget, dear St. Joseph, that no person in the world, however great a sinner he was, it turned to you to be disappointed in the trust and hope in you answers. A thousand graces shine, and shine the favors that you intercede for the poor afflicted. Do not let O great saint, I have to be the only one to remain without the grace that you wonder. See also powerful and generous towards me, and my tongue, my soul, my heart, thank you sing "Viva forever the glorious patriarch St. Joseph."


O exalted head of the Holy Family, I deeply revere you, and I call all my heart. Already all the distressed souls that you have prayed've given comfort and peace, graces and favors. Deign, therefore, to console with your help, also does not hurt that my soul finds rest in anguished, which is oppressed. Thou, O great saint, see God in all my needs, and you therefore know how much I need the grace which I ask. If I get this grace, I promise to always love you and serve you faithfully until his death. O St. Joseph, consoler of the afflicted, have pity on my pain.


Remember, virginal husband of the Virgin Mary, my sweet protector, St. Joseph, no one has ever invoked your protection and sought your aid without being comforted. With this confidence, I turn to you and I recommend it fervently. Or "father" of the Redeemer, hear my prayer and Send her piteously. Amen.